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Nervous. I was absolutely nervous. Just over the short period of time I had learned so much. Magic really does exist. I am a warlock. I might be subject of conversation due to being raised without any magical knowledge. Just what else did I need to learn ?

There was no time to dwell on this. I submerged my head in the water. I blinked slowly a  massive multicolored phoenix greeted me. I came to learn that this godly figure went by Nix. "궁금한게 있는거 알아, 카이야 아직 적응중인거 알아, 얘야." (I know you have questions, Kai ya. I understand that you are still adjusting, my child.) I gulped as I gestured to the fun colored mist around us & the spirits just walking around like we weren't there. 

"What is this place ?" Nix smiled proudly as he clasped his hands together. I assume he was trying to ease my nerves. It was probably obvious I was uncomfortable in general. First, it was leaving home. Now it seems all too convenient that my life has descended into magical chaos... "This is the spiritual realm. My name's Nix. My title is the great phoenix overlord of spirits..."

I felt my knees buckle slightly. Spirit realm ? How was this even possible ? I felt like I was going to be sick. "영혼의 영역? 내가 여기에 온 목적이 무엇입니까? 요점이 무엇입니까?" (Spirit realm ? What is the purpose of me being brought here ? What is the point ?) I asked this aimlessly as I am sure the answer is very obvious. I am here because of magic. Because I am a warlock... Not that I fully have grasped this entire experience at all yet. Nix handed me s slice of starfruit as he answered me once more.

"I am just here to help guide you a bit, Kai. You need to start trusting the tings around you now before you put yourself in a situation you can't escape from." Nix' voice drowned out a bit as I ate the starfruit. When I opened my eyes next we were on a cloud. "A cloud ?! We are on a cloud !", I yelled as I clung to Nix who laughed in a way that reminded me of my dad. "This place is called Cluster... Home of the Star People. One of the first beings with a natural talent to magic & the most unknown..."

"Why am I here ? Why ?", I ask frantically as I tried to calm myself down. Nix sighed as he gave me my final answer. "당신이 배워야 할 것들이 많군요, 카이야 시간이 지나면 일어날 겁니다..."(Clearly there is much you need to learn, Kai ya. It will happen all in due time...)

Then there was nothing.

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