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Headmistress Kwon waited as each of the five boys woke up from their slumber. They have been asleep for most of the week. Spell Week was nearly over by this point. She clasped her hands together as she greeted them personally for the first time. "드디어 다들 깨어났다니 다행이네요. 기분이 어때요?" (Glad to see you all are finally awake. How are you feeling ?)

Simultaneously there were many responses of feeling alright, but also feeling a bit weak. This honestly made Headmistress Kwon intrigued. However, she did have something the boys may enjoy. "I have a task for the five of you. Do you think you can handle it ?"

Yeonjun spoke up poking some fun as he gestured to Taehyun, "그 사람도요? 제가 틀렸나요?" (Him too ? Am I wrong ?) Taehyun said nothing keeping his attention on the Headmistress completely. Things were awkwardly silent for a bit as Headmistress Kwon pulled out a map. "The five of you need to follow this map. There is no guarantee you'll find anything, but I feel it would be good for you all to bond."

Soobin carefully looked over map with Kai as Beomgyu tried to keep Yeonjun & Taehyun apart for a bit. Soobin spoke up next, "This is a map of this dimension... What exactly do you want us to venture out for ?" Headmistress Kwon lead them to her office. A sacred object was encased in her office & had an otherworldly glow to it. "This is called a Cluster Shard. This is one out of six pieces..."

Kai softly spoke up as he stared at the shard in awe. "Why is the shard important ? Why do we need to go look for the other shards ?" Headmistress Kwon offered a smile as she also glanced at the shard, "I want you to look for the shards to bond. Most CU students don't get these kinds of tasks until a few weeks of being here their first years. As for the shard, it is said that all the shards together is very powerful. The shards still hold some mystery about them given Star People stay very far from us in the clouds."

Taehyun was very much intrigued now. He immediately agreed to the task before going to pack. Who knows how long this could take ? Yeonjun, Beomgyu, Kai, & Soobin walked back to their dorm as they talked things over. Beomgyu was practically a ball of energy, "그냥 해볼까요? 저는 그 안에 해가 있다고 생각하지 않습니다." (Should we just try ? I don't see the harm in it.) 

Soobin chuckled softly at his cousin' antics. Beomgyu was always the more outgoing out of the both of them. "Can we even trust this isn't some test from Haneul & Hana ?" This question of Soobin' was valid. What if this was a sick way to mess with them ? It isn't uncommon for pranks like these to happen at Caster University. Especially when the two branches of magic are at odds...

Kai jumped in a bit confused, but excited. "I am all for learning more things here. We spent a week asleep. Why not try this while we have the opportunity ?" This caused them all to think for a few moments before Yeonjun proposed the question that most have been avoiding since the first day. "그럼 태현 씨는요? 우리가 믿을 수 있을까요?" (What about Taehyun ? Do you think we can trust him ?) 

Soobin understood where Yeonjun was coming from, but judging Taehyun wasn't the proper way to deal with anything. "I get what you mean, but we don't really know him. We barely know each other... I think we should at least try." Quiet. Things were silent as everyone thought this over before entering their dorm. 

Taehyun had finished packing as they came in. "Can I see the map ?", he asked this as the others were still thinking things over. Soobin handed the map over as he realized the rest of them were already packed. "You packed for us, Taehyun ?", Beomgyu asked as Soobin nudged him upon seeing they were packed. Kai looked relieved he didn't have to pack again. Taehyun answered giving the map to Yeonjun gently, "I did. You'd all be fools to pass up this opportunity. Why else would the Star People make shards & hide them among magical beings ?"

Taehyun had a point & was probably the only one of the five who knew basic information on Star People. Yeonjun sighed as he realized putting this off was pointless, "We should leave now. We'll never know how much time we have..." Soobin, Beomgyu, & Yeonjun headed for the CU gates while Taehyun took Kai back to Headmistress Kwon' office. 

"우리 왜 왔어요, 태현 형?" (Why are we here, Taehyun hyung ?), Kai asked as they entered the empty office. Taehyun carefully uncased the shard & put it carefully in his cross body bag. "We need the shard. It could help us get the other shards, Kai." It had become obvious to Kai that they all my have been misjudging Taehyun. "Why are you so willing, hyung ? You know we all have our doubts about you..." 

Taehyun smirked as he walked Kai to the gates. "가능성이 무궁무진하다는 걸 알아요, 카이야. 저에 대한 당신의 의견은 상관없어요. 같이 하면 파편을 찾을 수 있다는 걸 알아요. 최고의 테스트가 되어야 해요." (I know the possibilities are limitless, Kai ya. I don't care about your opinions of me. I know we can find the shards if we do this together. This has to be the ultimate test.)

Pretty soon they all met up at the gate. Now the adventure begins...

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