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1 Year Later

Chungho had called each of the boys around. They had been hard at work for the last year with their training. It was also nearing the time they'd all finally be visiting home. However, Chungho' time was up. They no longer needed him here. So he planned on doing something very personal & special for them.

"제가 왜 여기로 전화했는지 알고 싶으실 거예요. 제가 더 이상 필요 없어요. 훈련 다 마쳤어요, 얘들아." (I am sure you want to know why I called you here. You don't need me anymore. You've completed your training, boys.) Chungho looked no older than Soobin did in age, but was far older than he looked. Beomgyu spoke first at this statement, "You know something is coming. Have our enemies finally begun to move forward with their plan ?"

Chungho didn't answer as he vanished back into the Cluster Shard. All was quiet a few moments as the boys began packing. They'll will be going home for the first time in a year. Kai questioned this first, "Why does the university insist you be here or the magical realm for a full year ?" Yeonjun answered this as he knew Kai was probably worried on what returning home would feel like. "It is to make sure you're growing accustomed to how things are supposed to go. It also builds unity between all who attend."

One by one they began packing. Pretty soon the university was full of carriages to escort students home. Headmistress Kwon sent Professor Cho out to wish the students a wonderful break before the current First Years become Second Years. Professor Cho' farewell didn't go unheard by five who took the warning, "당신은 일주일 후에 돌아올 것입니다. 권여사는 올해가 놀라운 일이 아니었던 것에 기뻐하는 것 같습니다. 권여사는 모든 학생들이 멋진 휴식을 취하기를 바라고, 다가오는 새해에 당신이 참석하는 것을 보기를 희망합니다. 잊지 마세요." (You'll return in a week. Headmistress Kwon seems pleased that this year has been nothing short of amazing. She wishes all students a wonderful break and hopes to see you attend in the new year ahead. Don't forget.)

Don't forget. This was a warning about what was coming. Something the boys most likely are trained for, but not ready for. Why else would Professor Cho warn them even in the midst of everything ?

Our five boarded a carriage with heavy hearts as they began to get dropped off one by one. Yeonjun was dropped off first. He waved before disappearing behind a spell that hid his home. The place was just as he had left it. Next Soobin' father picked up the cousins & seemed very relieved they were together. He had feared they'd follow in their mother' competitive envious ways. Soobin & Beomgyu immediately waved before rushing inside.

Taehyun was next. He waved as he walked the dark steps that lead him to his father that waited for him. Judging by the sudden vibrant colors splashed over the monochromatic aesthetic Taehyun sensed someone had moved in. Someone Taehyun certainly wasn't ready for.

Kai was the last drop off. He walked through the exact way he came & was relieved to see his mother. He hugged her immediately & began filling her in on his last year. 

Now where was the Cluster Shard ? Hidden away from the those who wish to unworthily wield it...

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