ch 11

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It's been a month since that bitch came and punched my daughter. And it's been a month since Abigail started working for the Steelers on the medical team. Today is an off day Abigail is at the airport getting her dad and Kyle’s grandparents. Kyle is out with a shopping list Abigail gave him to get food for everyone. Mikayla is in the barn with Max so she can play with Spartan. That horse is very gentle with her when they play it's very adorable to watch too.

Just as I was about to pull out stuff for lunch for Mikayla since it was about her lunch time I saw Kyle's car slowly like a snail roll down the driveway. I made Mikayla a ham sandwich with cheese and mayonnaise. Then a cup of grape juice she loves grape juice.
By the time I was done making Mikayla her lunch since it was what she asked for lunch today. Kyle’s car stopped in his parking space and he slowly came out of his car covered in blood.
I rushed outside and over to him.
“Kyle, are you ok? Why are you covered in blood?” I asked.
“Not my blood.” Kyle said.
“Then who’s?” I asked.
“I saw someone get shot, a pregnant woman got shot. I stopped to get her help then I remember I wasn't far from here so I got her into the car since we have a private hospital but the second my car got to the driveway she died. I held pressure on the womb the whole way here I was talking to her to keep her awake. But she.. she.. she died begged me to take care of her baby she has no family her baby isn't even born yet.” Kyle said.
“Shit ok quickly go get cleaned up before your sister sees you she is about to come up for lunch. I'll take the car to the mansion to Libby. Did the woman say how far along she is?” I asked.
“Almost 9 months, she said if she does to cut her open get the baby out she begged me non stop to take care of her baby to give it a loving family.” Kyle said.
“Ok. Go get cleaned then come to the mansion to meet your baby. Looks like you're about to adopt a child that's not yours. We are gonna respect the woman's wishes and we will help you raise this baby ok. Go, we will give her a proper barrel too, don't worry.” I said.
Kyle nodded and walked inside. I pulled my phone out and called Max.
“Hey man what's up?” Max asked.
“Mikayla’s lunch is made but keep her out in the barn for another 15 minutes. Kyle just experienced something traumatic. I'll inform you in a bit. Don't force anything out of Kyle. I know the reason as to why he is moving like a snail.” I said.
“What's going on Kyler?” Max asked.
“Kyle saw a pregnant woman get shot. He tried to save her by bringing her here to Libby. He had pressure on the gunshot womb but the second they hit the driveway the woman died. There is more to the story but I'll tell you about it later.” I said.
“Shit ok. The baby is still alive right?” Max asked.
“From the looks of it, yes. I gotta get the body to Libby so we can save the baby. The woman doesn't have a family and the woman begged Kyle to take care of the baby so we will respect her dying wishes and give the mom a proper barrel on the property so the child can still come and see their mom's grave when he or she wants to.” I said.
“Ok you do that I'll wait 15 minutes to take Mikayla up to eat.” Max said.
I thanked him and hung up then jumped into Kyle's car and drove to the mansion.

“LIBBY!” I yelled the second I parked and got out of the car.
“What?” Libby asked as she looked out her window of her office.
“Get a gurney Kyle saw a pregnant woman get shot. The woman died but her dying wish was for Kyle to raise the child since she has no family. Kyle tried to bring her here but the second they got to the driveway the woman died on him.” I explained.
“On dear. I'll be out in a second.” Libby said.
A few seconds later Libby came running out with a gurney and a couple of nurses. I opened the door and helped pull the woman out. I saw she had a gunshot wound to her chest near the heart.
“This is near the heart the bullet must've kicked if she died that fast. Kyle mentioned when he saw it happen they were not far from the farm property and he kept pressure on the womb to try and stop the bleeding.” I explained.
“Did he say how far along the woman was?” Libby asked after we got the dead woman on the gurney.”
“He said she told him she is almost 9 months along. Her purse is here too. I'll look for an ID so we can identify her. I want to have a proper barrel for her so the baby can come and go to see his or her mom freely. The woman will be buried here in the family graveyard.” I said.
“Ok we will get the baby out and do an autopsy. Tell Kyle the baby will be in the little hospital nursery we have once he is ready to see that baby.” Libby said.
“I'll let him know he is currently showing the blood off before Mikayla sees him.” I said.
“Ok. Ladies let's get her inside and get the baby out safely and ready for Kyle.” Libby said.
“Libby were so you keep the cleaning supplies I'm gonna clean the blood out of Kyle's car.” I said.
“In the closet next to my office.” Libby said over her shoulder. I walked inside, went to the closet next to Libby’s office and got what I needed then went back out and cleaned the blood out of the car.
I heard my phone go off multiple times but I didn't bother answering because I had blood on my hands from cleaning. And well I'm still cleaning the blood. Up off the seat and floor and steering wheel.
A moment later I heard the side by side in a distance. When I got louder I looked up and saw Abigail was home and Kyle was with her.
Thankfully Mikayla isn't with them.
But I continued on with cleaning the blood out of the car.
“Hey I tried to call you.” Abigail said.
“I heard my phone go off but currently can't answer it.” I said as I showed her my hands.
“Kyle told me what happened on the way down here.” Abigail said.
“Kinda figured. Kyle, how are you holding up?” I asked.
“I'm in shock of what I saw happen.” Kyle said.
“I understand. Umm Libby said the baby is in the little hospital nursery. I am not sure if the baby is in there now. I have been out here cleaning the blood out of your car.
“I appreciate it. Is the blood almost out?” He asked.
“It's not coming out of the seat. Or the carpet. We can either replace them or get you a whole new car.” I said.
“I'll just get a new car. I'm gonna see if my baby is in the nursery.” Kyle said and walked off inside the mansion.
“I'll call Jimmy to come get the car. Just take the car back to the house and clear everything out.” Abigail said.
“Ok. Umm are they settling into their room?” I asked.
“They are. I'm gonna go see what gender the baby is, then take Kyle to get everything he or she needs.” Abigail said.
“Sounds like a plan. I'll see you in a little bit babe.” I said and kissed her lips then hopped back into the car and drove it back to the house after Abigail took the cleaning supplies out of the car.
“KEVIN!” I yelled.
“Yeah!?” He yelled and poked his head out his bedroom window.
“Get boxes. I need your help.” I said.
“Why do we need boxes and why do you need my help?” He asked, genuinely confused.
“I'll tell you down here just don't touch the passenger seat and floor.” I said.
“What happened to Kyle’s passenger side?” Kevin asked.
“Again I'll tell you down here at the car. I don't wanna yell it out loud.” I said.
“Ok.” Kevin said and left his window.
I saw no groceries so meaning Kyle didn't make it to the store. His trunk was even empty like nothing but jumper cables and a toolbox was in the trunk. I took those out and sent them on the porch then shut the trunk.
I grabbed Kyle's emergency bag of clothes and set them next to his toolbox as well. By the time I got them 3 things out Kevin showed up with a couple boxes.
“Wow why is their blood all over the passenger seat?” Kevin whispered only for me to hear.
Then I said in a whisper on what happened when Kyle was on the way to the store.
Kevin stood there in shock the whole time.
“Oh my he must be in shock.” Kevin said when I finished telling him what Kyle told me.
“He was in complete shock when he arrived. He drove down the driveway like a snail and told me very slowly what happened. I think she spent a good hour in the shower, maybe 2 hours. Who knows how long he was there but he seemed somewhat back to normal when I saw him at the mansion with Abigail.” I said.
“Did Kyle say what he wanted to do with the car?” Kevin asked.
“He wants to get a new one. There is no getting this blood out of this one. I scrubbed the shit out of that seat and carpet. Blood is hard to get out of fabric like this.” I said.
“Very true. Is Jimmy going to come get it to take it to the junk yard he owns?” Kevin asked.
“Abigail said she would call him.” I said.
“Ok. Well after we clean this car out. I'll run to the store then give Kyle time with his baby. He is gonna need time to adjust to being a dad to a baby that's not even biologically his.” Kevin said.
“I agree. I'm gonna go with Abigail and help her get things for the baby.” I said.
Just as we said that. We hear the side by side in the distance. And we were almost done with the car.
“Then I hear someone coming down the drove I looked to see a tow truck.
“Jimmy is here.” I said as I put the last of the things in the box then I opened the toolbox and got the tool I need to get the license plate off. Once that was off I set it in the box and got the tool back into the toolbox just as the side by side came to a stop next to the porch.
I saw Kyle and Abigail Kyle had the baby in his arms with a couple pieces of paper in hand.
“Hey Grandpa, come say hello to your granddaughter.” Kyle said to his dad.
“This is Tala Lomasi Harrison. She is very healthy and was healthy enough to come home. She had just gotten her shots when I walked in.” Kyle said.
“She is beautiful son. I'd hide her but I just got done helping clean out your car. And got some blood on me.” Kevin said, showing some blood in his hands that he accidentally got in him.
“You can hold her once you're clean. I'm gonna show Mikayla her niece.” Kyle said and walked inside.
“Oh man. Grandpa is gonna have to clean his guns once she starts getting interested in boys and starts dating.” I said.
“Damn right I will.” Kevin said, making me chuckle.
“Whoever she dates better have good intentions.” Kevin said and he cocked his unloaded handgun making me chuckle.
“Calm down you have until she is in her teens till she starts dating.” I said.
“You're right.” Kevin said and put his clip pack in and then put his gun away.
“MOMMY, DADDY BABY!” Mikayla yelled out the door.
“Yeah baby. That's your niece. Wanna help get stuff for baby Tala?” Abigail asked.
“Yes mommy. Do I get you for being a good girl for helping?” Mikayla asked.
“If you're a good girl, threw out the whole time we shop for Baby Tala you can get 4 toys for being a good girl.” Abigail said.
“I, be good girl mommy.” Mikayla said.
“You're always a good girl princess but you have to be extra good ok.” Abigail said.
“Ok mommy.” Mikayla said.

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