Chapter 17

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"You haven't been waiting too long, have you"? Spade's deep voice muttered looking at the man in front of him.

He just shook his head
"Matteo here has been keeping my company, he can be quite funny you know" he said playfully and Spade just nodded, and Matteo made a gesture bow with a small smile on his face.

"What do you have for me Rufus"? He asked and the man just sighed, he leaned on the table

"The good stuff, like always" he muttered before putting his hands in his pocket and pulling out a small white paper bag, containing white substance, and passing it on the table to Spade.
He takes the small white paper bag from Rufus and examines it before tearing it open.

Using his index finger, he scoops a small quantity of it and takes it to his mouth, tasting the stuff and smacking his mouth.

"500 kilos of that, pure cocaine, waiting for pick up" he muttered looking at Spade and then Matteo, Spade passes the same white substance to Matteo and he does exactly what Spade did, tasting it.

Spade's eyes are on him and he gives a slight nod, indicating it was good and 100% pure

"In exchange for what"? Spade muttered looking at him and he looks around the room before whispering

"Safe and uninterrupted passage through Sicily, with a few shipments" he muttered

"What kind of shipment"? Matteo asked making Rufus to turn to him before looking back to Spade.

"Just a few girls, nothing more than 20, they have to be in Slovenia by next week" he muttered, Spade's eyes move from his to Matteo
"It's an auction going on there by next week and it's really important they get there" he explained.

Spade just sighed out, eyeing the cocaine in front of him, this was a good opportunity.
Not many knew but he was already losing a lot of money, due to the problem he'd been facing lately, with that amount of drugs with him, he was sure to cover up the small he had lost and he wouldn't be losing anything from it.

"Fine, you got yourself a deal" he muttered and Rufus's face broke into a smile as he let a sigh of relief

"Thank you Spade" he rushed out "tomorrow by noon, the shipment will be at the dock" he added

"Matteo will be there to pick up" Spade said and Rufus nodded "and Rufus, don't fuck me over" he added as a warning and the man just shook his head

"Never have and I'm not about to start now, heard about the police problem" he muttered looking at both men, Spade just sighed out "words travel fast" he quickly added "rumor has it that whoever's leaking information about you like that, doesn't just want you off the position of Don, he wants your life" he muttered looking around the whole room

Matteo's eyes cut to Spade and he was already looking at him.
"Well, he better get in line, because there's a long list of people that want that" Spade muttered before standing up, Matteo followed and so did Rufus
"Pleasure doing business" he muttered stretching his hand out for Rufus and the man took it, giving him a strong handshake.

"Always Spade" he muttered smiling, his eyes moved to Matteo and he gave him a curt nod
"I'll see you around Matt" he muttered before walking away from the table and heading straight for the door.

Spade sighed out, thinking about what Rufus just told him.
"Who do you think it is"? Matteo muttered looking at Spade, he was worried, whoever this person was, he was really fucking with Spade big time.

It had been a while they'd faced something like this, not since he took over from his father, he could tell it was really on Spade's mind, not just because of the losses he faced, but the fact that whoever it was, wasn't doing it for the money, but for Spade's life.

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