Chapter 165

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He was sitting at the head of the table, a few of his men were seated around the huge conference room, Matteo was sitting by his right as usual, while Bernie was on his left.

True to what he'd ordered Matteo to do, the blonde had called some of his men into the conference room for the meeting, and he looked more alive than he had done in days, hope was evident on his face and it was much stronger in his heart.

Something in his gut feeling told him this wasn't just a hunch, he could feel it deep down that he was going to find Nate.

He looked at the chairs and it was just Vince, Nico and Murphy, one of his very good shooter, the guy was good with a sniper, he didn't want to have all of his men here, not because he didn't trust them but because the smaller the team, the faster and efficient they would be.

"I'm sure most of you already know why I called for this meeting"? Spade's voice bounced off the walls of the room, making them to nod, as that was making it even easier for him, he didn't have to start explaining what was going on.
"There's been new information on Salvatore and his location" he said making them all to focus on him "Nico, I want you to go with Vince to the location they were last spotted, Bernie would give you everything you need and report back to him in everything you see" he orders and both men he just referred to nodded their heads
"The rest of us will prepare back here at the mansion and when we're certain it's not a trap and is legit, we will randevous with you there"
All of them nodded without asking questions, he liked that, complete and total submission from his men

"If there aren't any questions, everyone can get to preparing, we're gonna need all the gear we can get" he tells them and the room starts dispersing, he looks at Matteo and the blonde gets up, following behind him as he walked through the door, stepping out of the conference room, only to be intercepted by Nate's sister.

She looked a bit out of breath as she stopped in front of him and peered up at him.
"Is it true"? She asked, her eyes moving from Spade to Matteo and then back to Spade, who sighed out
"You know where he is"? She asked

"We're not sure yet if he's there, but the car that was seen circling around his apartment the night he went missing was spotted somewhere outside town and we're going to check it out today" he explained, seeing the way her shoulders slumped and the small hope in her eyes slowly diminishing
"But if he's there, I promise you I'm going to get him back" he whispered out and she just sighs and nodded

"Can I come with you"? She asked and he just clenched his jaws and shook his head

"It's too dangerous, I can't let you come with me" he said gently, almost wanting to put his hand on her shoulders but he refrained from that, not sure if they had gotten to that point yet.

She looked at him and then Matteo, he hoped she wouldn't oppose because he couldn't bring her with him, it was too dangerous, and he knew how much Nate loves his sister, if anything happened to her on his watch, coupled with what he did to Nate, the young man will never forgive him.

She just sighed out and nodded "fine" she mutttered, she was about to say something else when the footsteps of someone coming behind her stopped her.

She slowly turned and came face to face with a rather handsome and attractive man, dark hazel eyes, long black sleek hair that was let down shoulder length, he was wearing a black shirt, the sleeves folded up to his elbow and he had on black slacks, but his eyes looked dead

He stopped in front of them "Spade" he rumbled out, his voice felt as if it was struggling to fit in the thin corridor

"Stefano, I appreciate you coming at such short notice" Spade mutttered out, surprising even himself more than Stefano, he never thought a day would come when he would join forces with Stefano, or even need the man's help, but now he was going to need a whole lot of help from Stefano.

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