Chapter 30

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After a long while of sitting down there thinking and plundering if he should go inside the building or not, suddenly questioning his sanity.
He finally stepped out of the car, feeling the scorching of the sun hit the back of his neck.

He straightened his suit and took long strides towards the entrance of the door, he pulled open the double glass doors and stepped inside, it was like a miniature of his own building.

The reception area was big, but not as huge as his, the shiny tiled floor and workers going up and down, chattering and making small noises.

A few heads turned to him and some even whispered among themselves, but he just walked past them, he was used to the attention he always got wherever he went.

His legs was fast enough to get him into the elevator, he pressed the button for the top floor and waited, listening to the calm and soothing sounds from the elevator, but nothing about what he was about to do was soothing.

He clenched his jaw and shoved his hands into his pockets, after a few minutes the elevator dinged opening up and he stepped out of it, finding Nate's office won't be a problem at all.
If he was right then it would be like every other CEOs office, and would be the only other office on this floor, asides the conference room

He took the only turn he could see, taking a left he walked straight until he came face to face with a glass door, it had the company's logo on it.

He pulled it open and stepped inside the office, his eyes drank in the state of the office, as it looked very plain

"Good day sir, can I help...." She paused as both their eyes met and hers widened a bit in shock "" she finished with a whisper

It was the same annoying girl that was with Nate last night, so she worked for him
He mused as he watched her start to fret, she was trying to make it subtle but he could spot nervousness a mile away

"Nathan Miller, is he in"? He asked and she just nodded unable to speak, she had on the same type of heavy make up she had on the previous night, and her dress was obviously too tight for her, they looked like they'd rip if she moved too much

He clenched his jaw and sighed out, trying to block whatever thoughts were about to cloud his mind about this woman in front of him.

Without saying anything, he just starts walking towards the only door he saw in the room, it must lead to his office.
The girl stuttered and quickly followed behind him almost stumbling

"Uhm.... Sir... I'm sorry but you can't go in there" she squealed out but he didn't even pay any attention to her as he opened the door and walked inside the office, the air in here was quite different from the rest of the building.

The first thing that met with his eyes were brown almost golden tired, eyes.
He could see them widened from their normal size in shock as he strode into the office, his eyes moved from Nate's eyes down to his lips which were now slightly parted, the way his Adam apple bobbed as he swallowed and two buttons on his shirt undone, the sleeve of his shirt rolled up revealing almost perfectly slender arms, his ruffled hair
Spade could feel the muscle in his body relax a notch as he walked further into the room, the lady still following behind him

Nate's eyes moved from his and landed behind him shutting the lady up in the process as he nodded his head indicating it was okay, her heels clicked as she walked out of the room and shut the door, all the while Spade had his eyes on Nate, staring at him intently, reading every facial feature he had, from the thickness of his brows, to how unruly his curl was and how his fingers itched to untagle them
What the fuck is he thinking right now.

As if being hit with something, he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and so did Nate, only now realizing that they were alone in the room, the last time this happened was in Spade's office.

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