Chapter 154

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Nate groaned out as he felt the heaviness settle in his head, his throat was completely parched and his vision was somewhat blurry, he shut his eyes, his head lolling back and forth.

He was trying to steady his vision, at least to see where he was, he tried to move but his body seemed stiff, no not just stiff, but tied, like something was holding him down.

And he knew he was lying on something soft, he could actually feel it's feathery touch in his hands, which were also tied, like they were bound to something.

He opened his eyes and made a croaky sound from the deep ends of his throat before his vision finally started to clear up and he could see white ceiling up top.

He moved his head, turning it slowly but fuck it was painful, his head ached.
He was on a bed, in a room, he looked up and the room was fucking huge, wide with the door on the far right of the room, a tiny red door.

There were no other doors in the room, just the one.
He tried to look for something, anything that'll give him a clue as to where he was but the place was just empty and quiet.

He remembered walking out of his apartment and heading down the street, then he spotted a black car, just before he got to the store.
The thing he inhaled from the cloth, he's guessing it was one of the reasons why his head was currently pounding hard.

He noticed his jacket was off, and the grey roundneck he'd worn was what was still on him and his pants too.

Where the hell is he?

He hoped this better not be a sick joke of his father, what else did the man want again, he'd done everything he wanted, so what was the point of all this?

He shut his eyes and looked at his hand on his side, they were bound to the bed with zip ties, and so were his legs, and whoever tied this thing was really good, because the more he struggled to break free, the tighter it got, and it stung his wrists.

He sighed out and plopped his head back on the bed with a loud groan of frustration.
He heard the door creaked open and when he looked up his whole body froze up, even to his heart, he wasn't even sure he was breathing.

What the hell?
"Oh Natey, you're finally awake, thank God, I would have felt bad if I had to come wake you up myself" the man muttered with his almost very ugly, and sleezy voice, almost as if he was wheezing and living only on borrowed air.

His voice sounded just as bad as his face looked, as if he had drank acid and it burned his vocal cords, making it sound so bad to the ears.

But of course he couldn't say anything as he felt his heart hammering in his chest, his throat had ran dry, he opened his mouth but no words were coming out, except his shallow breath that he was trying to calm.

The man stopped just by the side of his bed and smiled, making the scar on the side of his face to look even more prominent, almost as if he obtained it today, and unlike other people that their eyes lit up when they smile, his own eyes, especially the bad one looked ten times scary and disgusting.

Nate resisted the urge to grimace at the sight, what the hell was he doing here?
"Sorry about the welcome my boys gave you" the man muttered, gesturing to Nate's tied hands and legs "i couldn't risk you trying to run away, especially knowing you'd been hanging around my nephew lately"

Nate clenched his jaw as his stare hardened at the man, he still hadn't said anything to the man but he had a lot inside of him that he wanted to say but something was blocking his throat, clogging the words back into his stomach.
So the man did recognize him that night he saw them both, Nate and Spade.

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