Chapter 91

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Parking his car in front of the police station, looking out the car he could see the many police cars parked out, the streets were still as busy as always, with people going up and down, the scorching sun making some to hold umbrellas while others just walked under the sun regardless.

He hated coming here, but this visit was long over due, he was supposed to have been here since last week but he kept postponing it and shifting the inevitable, not because he didn't want to but because he was trying to stall, so he could have more time with Nate.

But now he didn't really have time, even if he wanted to, he had a lot on his plate to have to add the burden of caring about someone.

He finally opened the car and stepped out, his eyes looking the building from top to bottom.
His experience with the police has never been a pleasant one, hence why he hates them so much.

It always left a sour memory in the back of his mind, making him remember a time he didn't want to remember.
He sighed out, straightening out his suit, before taking long, dominating and powerful strides towards the entrance.

He walked up the flight of marbled stairs, before he stopped in front of the double glass doors, he pulled it open and stepped inside, the whole place was bustling with noise as men in uniform walked up and down, gun hoisted around their waist, some holding stacks of files, while others answered calls.

He walked straight towards the front desk and stopped, placing his left hand on the marbled counter, he tapped on it, immediately catching the attention of the woman in black police uniform, as she peeked at him through the glass separating where she sat from where he stood.
At first her facial expressions didn't show that she recognized him, but slowly her faced morphed into a bit of fear as her eyes widened, then her lips parted, before realization settled in her eyes.

She quickly closed whatever she was doing and stood up from the chair, her posture shifting from relaxed to rigid and visibly shaken.
He liked that, the fear and power that came with his presence.
It made his veins tick with satisfaction
"Mr DeVille, can I help you"? She rushed out, sounding to forward and eager.

Spade smirked inwardly as he already guessed she knew who he was, that would make his work a lot more easier.
"Is your chief in"? His baritone bounced around the wall, he could still hear the small noises and bustling that was happening around the office.

She swallowed before quickly nodding her head "In his office" she whispered.

Taking a minute to look at her, Spade cocked one of his brows, this quickly made her realize what she had to do, she snapped and quickly pressed her face to the glass more
"Uhm... Go straight down your right, take the door there, there's a corridor, the last door by your left" she explained quickly.

Without as much as another word, Spade walked away from her, and headed towards where she just explained.
Every table he passed suddenly grew silent, he could see some of the men looking at him wearily, while some much younger women stared at him lustfully, he was used to the stares he was getting, it wasn't anything new to him

Each stride he took oozed power, the aura around him screamed domineering, as he left an imaginary smoke of bone chilling terror in his wake.

He walked through the door at the end of the room, stepping in the corridor, he looked to his right and then his left.
Seeing a long line of doors on both side, he took the left turn as the woman had instructed, he passed four office before finally stopping at the last one.

There was a placard placed at the top of the door, it boldly read "CHIEF"
He almost scoffed at the title, he contemplated whether he should knock or just walk in, it wasn't like he was here for pleasantries or anything, if anything, he wasn't even sure his visit here would end on a good note, especially not for the chief of police.

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