Chapter 65

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Stefano had a lopsided grin on as he watched all three of them, his eyes moved from the youngest of the three, stopping briefly on the hands of Nate and Spade in between them, before moving to Spade, he could see the slight tick in Spade's jaw as he clenched it, his eyes hard and blank.

Stefano's eyes finally landed on Matteo, he wasn't expecting to see the blonde here tonight, he'd not seen him again since the last time he had seen him at his apartment.
His eyes stopped at the blue, almost cold steel eyes, to his perfect nose, and his lips set in a straight line as he also stared back at Stefano with a bored look, Stefano's eyes moved from Matteo's face to his body, he was putting on a grey tank top, his biceps flexing themselves, Matteo wasn't tall like Spade or Stefano but he had an almost perfect body, his broad chest looking firm and hard from his top, Stefano's eyes landed on the small tattoo on his right arm, tiny lines drawn vertically on his arms, Stefano didn't stop to count the lines, before his eyes landed on Matteo's black sweatpants, his eyes grazing the most intimate part of Matteo making his mind run wild with imaginations, he looked up quickly to stop himself from going far as all three men still had their eyes on him.

"I didn't think you'd leave me in there with them" he muttered almost pouting making Matteo's eyes to cut to his lips, as he watched the pink perfect pound of flesh just sitting there, looking putty and almost tempting, he looked away as if the sight burned his eyes, as he felt his neck heat up

"Why are you here Stefano"? Spade gritted out, his hands still clutching tightly to Nate's hands

Stefano smacked his lips together "I was following you Spade, I mean I saw you leave and it was really crazy in there" he rushed out still smiling so gleefully as he stared at them all, his gaze lingering on Matteo longer
"And I come out to see y'all leaving without me, even you Matteo" he muttered pouting again, making the blonde to want to look away from those putty lips, if only Stefano would stop pouting with his lips, for it was messing with Matteo's mind, he grounded his teeth
"I really thought you and I were past all these, I was beginning to think we established a friendship, a bond" he muttered as if he was in despair, giving them a hurt look

Matteo sighed out and rolled his eyes at the man's antiques
"Stop spewing rubbish Stefano" Matteo gritted out, making the man in front of them to gasp out, his hands flying to his mouth

"You hurt me Matteo" he faked hurt, the blonde just rolled his eyes again, he wondered how Stefano could be so dangerous and yet act so unserious and childish all the time

Spade could still hear a few gunshots, he looked up and tried to locate any high building that could possibly be the targeting area of the shooter, there were a few and they were standing out in the open, no shelter, they could easily get shot at.

He looked at Nate and quickly decided to stop this madness from dragging on, his sharp gaze landed on Stefano.
"What do you want Stefano"? Spade gritted out in irritation, making Stefano to look at him, his grin growing wider as he clamped his hands together, taking two steps towards them.

"What I want is simple Spade, same as you, I wanna get the fuck out of here" he muttered "and you're gonna be my ride out of here" he finished letting the last words out as he looked at Matteo

"No way" Matteo was quick to cut in

Stefano narrowed his eyes at Matteo "you keep hurting me Matteo, I thought we had a connection? Why are you so aggressive with me" he muttered as if teasing and taunting the blonde, Matteo growled out
Spade was already having enough of this, they needed to leave this place as soon as possible and standing here arguing with Stefano would only delay them more.

His eyes rested on a clueless and confused Nate, this was his only priority right now, to get the person in front of him to safety, that was all that mattered, he didn't really care if Stefano felt it was the right time to tease Matteo.

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