Chapter 99

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Sitting down on his chair looking at Matteo, he drowned out everything the blonde was saying, letting his mind to travel far.
His body was currently on the chair in front of Matteo but his mind had already gone on a long journey towards Nate.

It had been six days since Nate had started avoiding him, giving him space while acting as if they never kissed.
The longer Nate stayed away from him the harder it became for him to get used to.

He didn't understand why Nate had liked about the kiss though.
Did he perhaps regret it, or maybe he wasn't even in the slightest attracted to Spade, making Spade to doubt himself.

So he was the one losing his mind, driving himself crazy over Nate, when in truth the young man didn't even feel anything for him
It had been a one sided thing.

He realized he was thinking of Nate too much, something he'd never done in the past, think about someone as much as this, especially when it came to emotions.

Infact he'd never been stood up before, but Nate stood him up, made him feel totally rejected and low of himself.
Spade, feeling low of himself because of someone else, ironic.
He couldn't believe it, a few months ago, if someone had told him this would happen to him, he would have laughed at their faces and called them a liar.
But now here he was, pulling his hair out, going crazy because of Nate.

He wasn't even trying to stop himself, or trying to fight it, he had finally given up and agreed to the fact that he infact had feelings for Nate.

Gay or not he didn't care, all he knew was that he had feelings for Nate, it didn't matter if Nate was a guy, or a girl or even a mermaid.
He liked Nate for who he was and not because of his gender.
"Spade" Matteo's voice snapped him back to present as he blinked, trying to regain his composure
"Are you okay"? He asked and Spade just sighed out and focused on the concerned look in Matteo's eyes.

"Yeah" he whispered, slowly running his hands down his face

Matteo narrowed his eyes at Spade, as if he didn't buy his little act of being okay, the man looked lost
"Are you sure you're okay"? He asked gently "you weren't listening to what I was saying"

"I'm fine" he said clenching his jaw again "I was just thinking" he muttered as Matteo cocked his brows at him, he swallowed "about Liam's uncle of course" he muttered, as Matteo scrunched his nose.

He didn't want to believe Spade was actually lost thinking about something like that, but he didn't want to push him harder for an answer, if he felt like it, Spade would definitely tell him.
He nodded
"It shouldn't bother you Spade, we'll figure it out" Matteo muttered and Spade just nodded, knowing he just lied through his teeth.

He couldn't possibly admit that Nate was the one driving him this crazy, making him lose concentration in almost everything around him, even his conversation with Matteo was one sided as all he could think about was Nate.

Matteo suddenly got up, still giving him a weary look "I'm gonna head out to the warehouse, there's a lot I need to do there" he muttered and Spade just nodded wordlessly, making Matteo to give him one long look before he walked out of the office.

He shut the door behind him, leaving Spade to his own thoughts, his mind had once again stopped on Nate.
Even work had some how become too hard for him to do, everytime he tried to work, all he would end up doing was think about Nate and that kiss.

If all it took was one kiss from Nate to have like this, imagine something more
He would be a total mess for the young man, right from the moment he started feeling strangely towards Nate he knew the young man had so much power over him, but never in his wildest dreams did he think it would be this much.

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