Chapter 38

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As Spade's car drove away from the hotel, Nate couldn't help but steal glances at the man beside him, his mind traveling far with so many thoughts running through it.

His eyes moved from his face to his knuckles that were already turning white due to the grip he had on the steering wheel, Nate's eyes counted the rings that adorned his knuckles, not too much but enough to be noticed.
They were all gold and expensive.

His eyes moved from Spade's hands to his face, his beard covered jaw that he was clenching so hard, Nate actually felt sorry for his teeth, the way his eyes narrowed at the road, as if he was actually glaring at the road, was there ever a time when Spade wasn't glaring?

His tongue ran through his lips as he watched every single detail of Spade's face, and he wasn't really subtle about it but he barely even cared.
Spade's beard didn't look rough but Nate could tell he hardly ever shaved it, maybe a little trim here and there but that was just about it.

Then slowly but surely his eyes stopped at Spade's lips, it was pulled into a thin line, a little darker than usual.
This made Nate swallow hard as he quickly looked away from Spade, he could already feel the bubble of excitement inside of him, the sweet tingles he could feel all the way to his fingers.

His eyes focused on the road and that gave Spade a small chance to relax a bit, he'd been tense since he took off with his car, his whole body had been tense and rigid, because as much as he tried to ignore it, He could very well feel Nate's eyes on him and that didn't help the little situation he was having, it only made it worse.

Nate didn't very well recognize the road they were taking, it looked strange and way out of the usual places he knew and drove through.

"Where are you taking me"? He asked looking at Spade momentarily, but instead of getting an answer like he expected, all that was met with him was silence, utter and complete silence.
Spade only focused more on the road, not even sparing him a glance.
It was as though Nate was the only one in the car.
He sighed out and looked at the side of his window, his eyes looking through every sign they passed, every store and building but he still didn't recognize any of it.
"If you're planning to kill me, the least you can do is tell me" he muttered, this caught Spade's attention as he took his eyes off the road for a split second and gave Nate a once over, he noticed the way Nate's hands were intertwined on his laps as he fondled with them, something he was doing subconsciously.
Spade clenched his jaw tighter because right now it felt like every little thing Nate did was somehow trying to get a reaction out of him and he was trying hard to keep that side at bay.

He quickly looked away
"If I wanted you dead Miller, you'd be dead the first day I saw you" he muttered making Nate swallow hard, not out of fear but something else.
Hearing Spade call his last name like that, not only made his fingers twitch but his pulse also increased.

He felt like the veins beating on the side of his neck woud explode from too much thumbing and blood.
"Then at least tell me where you're taking me" he muttered

Expecting an answer again but he got nothing from Spade, which made him more curious and a bit skeptical about following Spade in the first place.

This was getting frustrating, not knowing what Spade was planning for him or had planned for him, he was stupid to have just followed him without questioning him in the first place, even after having so many chilling encounters with Spade, most of them ending in the man threatening his very life, he just jumped into his car without even as much as a second thought.

"Are you always this nervous"? Spade's thick voice broke his though as he quickly looked at Spade hoping he would find those hazel eyes staring at him again but Spade was more focused on the road than on him.

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