Chapter 32

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The events of the day kept replaying in his head as he drove home, everything from the moment Spade walked into his office.
He should have known nothing good would come out of that meeting.

He sighed out as his eyes stared off into the road.
He could still feel and hear the way Spade had threatened him when he tried to hit him.

Where did he even get that courage from, trying to hit Spade, the Almighty Spade.
He couldn't even blame himself, he was very angry after all the things Spade said about him being his father's errand boy.

And then the fact that Spade had gotten physical with him, that would be the second time since they met that he'd gotten physical with him, but the first time their skin barely touched but this time they did

Not only did he feel Spade's large hands cover his wrist but he also felt the slight touch of his lips on his earlobe.
And the fact that he didn't feel irritated or agitated by that singular touch frightened him a lot.
Unlike usually when someone's touch would creep him out.

It had been like that since that night, 11 years ago.
That night ruined a lot of things for him, one of them being ever feeling anything asides disgust and fear at the touch of someone.

His skin didn't crawl with anxiety or disgust, he didn't pull back or flinch out of fear and he didn't have a panic attack.
And Spade was so close to him, so very close that he could feel parts of Spade's body he wasn't supposed to feel, and wasn't supposed to enjoy feeling it but he did.

And then the offer, the offer Spade had given him about coming to work for him.
It would be somewhat awkward but then something about the idea felt thrilling, working with someone as dangerous as Spade, that would be like going all the way out of his comfort zone, venturing into dangerous territory.

He could feel his whole body bubble with excitement, he blinked once and then twice.
Was he actually just getting excited about working with Spade, someone that explodes at the slightest provocation, he doesn't hesitate to threaten anybody that gets on his nerves.
And here he is actually trying to consider that stupid suicidal idea of going to work for him.

Even if Spade doesn't explode one day out of anger and kill him, his own father would be honored to do that
And besides if he does agree, which he isn't even considering doing, what exactly will he be doing for Spade.

The man already has everything he wants, so what does he need him for?

His apartment building came into view and he slowed down and stopped in front of it before letting out a sigh of relief, his hands were still securely wrapped around the steering.

He rested his head on the headrest of his seat and closed his eyes, controlling the thoughts in his mind from spiralling out of control.

He looked over to the passenger seat and picked up his jacket, phone and stepped out of the car, draping the jacket over his arm, he walked straight into the building, the lobby was empty so he just passed.

He stopped in front of the elevator and as if it could read his mind, the door dinged and slid open slowly, his head was down so the moment the elevator doors opened up, he sighed and looked up.

He froze
Like an antelope caught in headlights, he just stood there looking at the person In the elevator, can this day get any weirder.

The person in the elevator stared back at him mirroring his expression, a little bit of shock and surprise.
He was putting on the same trench coat he had on the last time he met him on this elevator.

He clenched his jaw and swallowed before cussing out, this is not happening, not now
He shut his eyes and sighed out.

"Are you gonna get in or you're just gonna stand there" his voice finally broke the awkward silence between the both of them.

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