Chapter 108

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He picked up the phone and put it to his ears.
"Spade" he heard the wheezing sound of his uncle's voice, he blinked
He never really liked his uncle, as a kid the man's face terrified him to his core, whenever Salvatore came visiting, he would stare and stare at his face and scars, asking himself how the man had sustained such hideous injury.

"Salvatore" he grunted out, he never really liked calling the man uncle, it just didn't sit right with him.
There was something skeptical about the man that always had him on his toes.

"How's it going"? He asked, Spade mentally rolled his eyes, as he hated the idea of making small talks with his uncle.

"Good" he muttered, waiting for the man to go straight to the point

"I've been trying to reach you for a while now, didn't Matteo tell you"? He asked

"He did"

He wanted to ask what Salvatore wanted but he held himself back as he heard shuffling on the other side of the phone, and the heavy wheezy breathing of the man.
"Well, I called to remind you of the auction"

"I know about it, that's the whole point of being the Don" he muttered out

"Right, right" his uncle rushed out "I wanted to ask if you'd be coming for this year's own"?

"You know my answer to that Salvatore, I don't go to these things unless it's really necessary" he muttered uninterested

"Yes of course I know, I thought maybe this year would be different, your presence would really be appreciated, you know people talk and there's been rumors about plots against you, it would be a good idea to come, at least let the familia see you again, remind them who you are and why you're their Don" Salvatore encouraged, making Spade to sigh out.

"My absence there doesn't change anything, whatever you're hearing, they're just rumors, the family over there knows better than to cross me" he muttered, a tone of warning to his voice, his eyes landed on Matteo as the blonde looked at him expectantly.

"But....." He cut him off quickly

"No buts Salvatore, nothing's changing my mind, I won't be there and the auction will hold, like it has been since I took over, anyone who has a problem with how I run things, should come to me" he muttered before took the phone off his ear and ended the call, before dropping it on the table.

This was why he never spoke to or called his uncle, their relationship had always been like this.
As a kid he was terrified of Salvatore, but as he grew up and watched how things unfolded, he held a deep resentment for the man.
The only reason he still tolerated him was because of his late mother.

He hated Salvatore because the man watched as his father abused their mother, made life hell for Spade and Matteo, and didn't say anything, even when their father killed their mother, he still didn't take any action or say anything

But since Spade took over from his father after killing the man, his uncle always tried to rule for him, to control his decisions when it came to the mafia.

"What did he want"? Matteo muttered, his jaw clenched and his voice hard.

"He wants me to come to the auction next week"

Matteo's cocked his brows at Spade
"Are you going"? He asked, and Spade just shook his head

"Even if I did have plans of going before, which I don't, not anymore" he muttered out, he really wanted to stay back, he might have wanted to go, maybe if he wasn't with Nate, then he would have considered Salvatore's offer, but now he couldn't even go even if he wanted to, he just got with Nate, he wasn't an expert on relationships but even he knew that leaving at such an early stage in their relationship wasn't a good idea.

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