Chapter 87

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He drove inside the white huge gates, there were no guards around, he knew they were here but hidden quite well, just like Ryan had told him.

He stopped the car inside the compound, thank God the gates had automatic locks, he knew Liam put it there.
Inside the compound was much better looking than outside.

It looked like a typical New York family house, only the owner had nothing typical about him.
The place looked homey even from outside.
Spade turned to look at Nate, since their little talk a while back, the young man had totally ignored his existence.

He was still looking out of the car, Spade was about to say something when Nate took off his seatbelt and stepped out of the car first

He knew he didn't have a right even be angry about anything that was happening, he barely even knew the man that died but he couldn't help his burst of emotions.

And it was best to keep quite now, because he didn't want to say something that will piss Spade off.
So far they'd been doing good, he didn't wanna start something he couldn't finish, hence why he left the topic unsaid and totally ignored Spade all through the drive, even though that was almost impossible as Spade's scent kept invading his nose and making his mind sway once in a while.

He looked around the compound as he heard the other side of the door being shut, he didn't look because he already knew it was Spade who had stepped out.

The place looked quiet, way different than he imagined it.
With the owner being dead, he expected the place to be swarming with men holding guns and patrolling up and down but it was too quiet.

He turned to look at Spade and the man was already looking at him, he just shifted his eyes away from him and back at the quiet compound.

"Let's go"

Nate turned around to find Spade already walking away from the car and headed towards the entrance, everything about the house was cream coloured, except the door, it was white

Nate hurriedly followed Spade, stepping in line with him as he tried to match his strides.

They soon walked up the flight of stairs, and stood on the patio, Nate couldn't help but look around the front of the house again, this time admiring the design, he liked the work of whoever designed the house, they did a really good job.

He could see the one or two unique touches around the house, making him nod his head impressed by the design

Spade rang the doorbell, making Nate to stop his sightseeing and focus on Spade and the door, Spade turned to face him
"Follow my lead, don't say anything unless you have to" he just nodded and clenched his jaw, understanding why Spade was suddenly giving him that instruction

The door suddenly creaked open slowly making them both to turn and face the door, a very beautiful brunette woman with a very distingushing set of eyes, she looked from Spade first and then her eyes landed on Nate

She looked quite young and attractive, petite and average body.
"Mrs Fritz"? Spade's voice resounded making Nate to turn and look at him, rather the back of his head.

She looked at both men with skeptical eyes, Nate was already seeing the fear and skepticism in her eyes, like she would shut the door on their faces.

He looked at Spade and then he realized why she was looking at them both like that and why she was suddenly scared.
Spade's face was set in a hard glare, he didn't have a calm face, he had one of those his signature emotionless, blank and stoic faces.

Nate quickly step forward already guessing that the woman was going to run inside and lock the door any second
"We're friends of your late husband" Nate muttered gently, making her eyes to finally stop on him, she still had a skeptical look on but she didn't really look frightened again, upon hearing her husband being mentioned
"I'm Nathan and this is..." He paused contemplating what he should call Spade, should he use his real name or should he just tell her Spade, he swallowed and his eyes moved to Spade again.

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