Chapter 101

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The three of them sat facing each other, Spade didn't like this one bit but they didn't have much of a choice, he didn't trust Stefano, but like Matteo said, this was a once in a lifetime opportunity for them, they might never get another chance to uncover anything about their mystery man.

"So who took the weapon shipments"? Spade grunted out as Stefano just turned to look at him, almost rolling his eyes at Spade.

"Easy there Spade, there are processes before the main information is divulged to you" he said making Spade to clench his jaw hard.
"A month ago you sent Matteo to tail me, after I gave your boyfriend a package to give to his daddy" Stefano said pointing at Spade as he mentioned the word boyfriend, this made Spade to blink, Nate's name being mentioned made him clench his jaw, but he didn't say anything
"Fortunately for you, when I found him" he said pointing to Matteo "I didn't kill him, like I should, instead I told him a little bit of what he came looking for"

This made Spade to turn to Matteo, the blonde wasn't looking at him, Spade didn't know that the small information Matteo had given him a month ago came from Stefano, he was wondering why Matteo hadn't told him.

Stefano on the other hand, had a huge grin on his face as he watched the both of them
"I didn't tell him everything though, like everything that happened prior to me handing a package to Nate and why"

He intertwined his fingers on the counter in front of him
"See the thing there is, a month before that time, Greg had contacted me, said he had someone that wanted to sell a truckload of guns, ammunition and other arms, at first I didn't think he was serious, I thought he wanted to set me up and kill me, or worse steal from me" Stefano's voice had gone from playful to serious as his eyes moved from Spade to Matteo as he now had their full attention.
"Until I actually saw the arms, everything, all good stuff, infact the best, that was when I took interest in the deal, but there was still something fishy about the person that was selling it to me" he paused "we never met face to face, he either spoke to me through electronic means, or he used Greg as an intermediary"

This caught Spade's attention as he furrowed his brows, he always knew Greg was a two timing bastard, and a coward, but now he was hearing even more things that made him hate the man even more

"I agreed to buy it, it was quite cheaper than the usual stuff I get, I saw it as a freebie, but they had a condition for selling it to me, which made it even more suspicious" he paused for the next part because he knew this would be the deal breaker, the main juice, the real reason he wanted Spade here.
"They wanted me to kill you"

This made both Spade and Matteo's eyes to grow wide as they stared at Stefano, Matteo felt his blood run cold, this wasn't just a joke anymore, now he realized that whoever this mystery man was, they would stop at nothing to make sure Spade is out of their way

Spade on the other hand, just stared at Stefano, he was surprised but not shock, he's had enemies before, countless that tried to kill him, this mystery man was just another piece on the chess table, and he was gonna knock him off just like the others, but still he wanted to hear what Stefano would say next.

"Relax gentlemen, they didn't ask me to kill you right away, they told me they'd call me when the time was right, so I collected the arms shipments, had them delivered at my warehouse, my meeting with Nate was to give him the payment for the arms so he could give it to Greg"

Spade clenched his jaw again, he didn't like that Stefano kept calling Nate into this, asides the fact that it made him want to question Nate's motive, it was also a reminder that he still had the other problem to deal with, his emotional problem
"So you're saying Nate knows about his father's bullshit"? He asked and Stefano just shook his head, chuckling out

Spade (MxM) Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora