Chapter 72

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As promised Spade drove Nate back to his apartment early the next morning, the drive was as silent as a graveyard, Nate was looking out the car and Spade had his eyes set on the road, he stole glances at Nate from time to time, his mind drifting to what happened the night before, Nate's nightmare and the way it felt knowing he was able to calm him down.

He kept wondering what Nate was possibly dreaming about that put him in that much fear and terror
Nate didn't say anything about seeing him in his room last night, which meant he either didn't see him, or he did and was pretending not to.

He sighed out as the building they were headed to came to view.
He drove towards it and stopped in front of it, turning off the car engine he turned to look at Nate, he still hadn't looked his way, infact Nate had barely said anything to him the whole morning.

He took off his seatbelt, avoiding Spade's gaze
"Thank you for the ride" he muttered and Spade just nodded, not saying anything, he didn't know how to start the conversation he was having in his mind with Nate.

It was easier thinking about it than actually doing it.
He felt the moist in his palm as he held the steering wheel tightly.
Nate was about to go out, but he needed to talk to him.
"Matteo will bring your car by noon" he muttered and Nate just nodded, Spade clenched his jaw, grounding his teeth.

He opened his mouth to talk "about..."

"Yesterday...." They both spoke at the same time and stopped at the same time, Nate finally looked up at him, honey brown eyes, bright under the shimmering morning sun, stared at him, they were big and beautiful that they took his breath away, his lips parted slightly as he felt entrapped by Nate's gaze.

He swallowed and quickly looked away from Nate's eyes, before he got hypnotized
"You go first" Nate muttered before looking away from him, giving him the go ahead to speak first.
He sighed out, rolling his tongue in his mouth

"I wanted to ask if I could drop by later and take you somewhere, there's something I need to show you" he muttered out, his face was blank, his eyes didn't give off any emotions asides the calmness in them, but deep inside he was dying with nervousness, his heart beating fast, and his throat felt like they were blocked from receiving air.

Nate sighed out, licking his lips, Spade's eyes landed on them and he felt the same warm fuzzy feeling settle in his stomach, his mind going back to last night when he had a chance to touch them, feel them but he didn't.
If he did, maybe he wouldn't have been able to cage the raging beast inside of him threatening to pull Nate close to him and taking his lips in warm kiss.

He looked away quickly as if the sight burned him, and it did but not in a bad way, in a sweet, exciting kind of way.

"If you're planning on taking me to a Casino again..." He quickly cut him off

"No, I'm not taking you to a casino" he rushed out, letting his voice grow from hard to soft at the ending "I just wanna take you somewhere quiet, somewhere we can talk, just tell me I have your permission to come pick you up later today"? He asked, his stare unwavering and sincere.
It made Nate's heart beat faster as he felt his whole body went warm and tingly.
The fact that Spade was asking for his permission, giving him a choice, it made him feel safe, he felt like he mattered.

He swallowed hard, his eyes moving between Spade's.
"Okay" he whispered mentally cursing himself for letting his voice come out so weak and low
But he didn't miss the look of relief that fell over Spade's face, maybe he saw wrong but he could have sworn he saw Spade let out a deep breath of relief, even the worry lines in his face before were suddenly gone.
His face now looked more relaxed and calm

He nodded "alright, 4"? He asked and Nate just nodded, today being a Saturday he had nowhere to be, except if his father called him unexpectedly.

Speaking of his father, he wanted to ask Spade about what happened the previous night, the party and the shooting
Matteo was in the middle of talking about it yesterday before his little outburst.

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