Chapter 155

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I stood watching as both men landed their first on each other's face, hearing bones crack, I wondered which one of them was receiving the most blow, both had their faces bloodied and swollen, but it still didn't excited or amuse me one bit.

Instead the more I watched, the more boring and plain it became, the others around me cheered though, while some just watched, grimacing once in a while if one of each men landed more punch than the other.

I was trying to drown out their shouts and cheers, but if I did I'd just get swallowed up in my own thoughts and that was one of the main reasons why I started this in first place, to stop me from getting swallowed up in my thoughts.

I hated that I couldn't keep it out of my head, that I couldn't keep him out of my head, and it was slowly turning into this uncontrollable rage that I couldn't understand.

I wish I could just unlove him just as quickly as I had fallen for him, but even I knew it wasn't that easy.
I was stuck like this, maybe it was like a punishment for me, I didn't know.

"Spade you have to stop this before someone gets seriously hurt" Matteo's voice broke me out of my thoughts as I turned to look down at him, he stood beside me up on the stairs that led to the huge wide space that served as the gym, I gave him a dead panned look at his last comment about someone getting hurt, as if he was blind to the bruises on the men's faces, if that didn't classify as being hurt, I wonder what else does.

He kind of noticed my look and sighed out "like dead hurt" he clarified, I just looked away from him as my eyes landed on the men, still waiting to see something that would interest me in the slightest, but it was the same old thing, the same routine, same fighting and same damn shit as the previous day.

"Spade you've been doing this for the past two weeks, don't you think..." I glared at him hard as I cut him off sharply, with my voice hard and leaving no room for argument.

"Don't even think about it Matteo, trying to ask me to stop" I growled out and he just sighed out and looked back at the men fighting, I knew he wasn't moved by my threat though

"Can't you see what you're doing? Everyday for the past two weeks, you have them fighting each other, with one of them always ending up unconscious in the hospital, different duo every day for the past two weeks" Matteo said, as if he couldn't believe it was even happening, but I just gave him a bored look.

Instead of stopping the fighting like Matteo had suggested, I just ignore him and walk out of the gym, completely shutting off their cheering and shouting, until I hear the door momentarily open and close again, hearing Matteo's footsteps behind me.

I shut my eyes and increase my strides, can't he just get the memo that I'm in no mood to talk right now, I just wanted a distraction, something to keep me from completely going insane

"Spade" he called out as I rounded the corner and passed the living roon and headed up the stairs "Gio" he muttered even louder, but I completely ignore him as I step into the corridor and head towards the bedroom, my bedroom in the mansion.

Yes, I'd been staying in the mansion for the past two weeks, totally staying away from my house, I don't think I can stay there, at least not for a while

I entered into the bedroom and he followed me inside, watching as I took off my tank top, throwing it on the bed
"Spade you can't keep ignoring me and going like this" he states, I still don't turn to look at him because I'm already used to his talks by now.

It's the same thing everyday, the same damn talk every other day, he'd tell me that I couldn't keep going like this, making me wonder what he wanted me to do about it.

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