2. | 12 years

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- L O R E N Z O -

"Bye dad! I love you." Nova smiled as she kissed my cheek.

"I love you more." I ruffled her hair as she got out of the car.

She rolled her eyes at me but I could see the little smile tainting her mouth.

I watched as Nova reached into the school safely before driving off.

Today, after 12 years Sirius is finally coming back. I haven't told Nova as yet I'd like for her to see for herself rather than me tell her.

For the past 12 years Elijah has been making sure his family back in Spain were safe and after such a long time they finally return back.

Sirius had just turned 18 a few days ago so Elijah gave him the decision of whether he would like to come back and help with our mafia or continue living back in Spain.

And of course the little shit agreed.

Well he's not little anymore.

I'm guessing the rebellious Sirius hasn't changed a bit.

Always eager to work with danger.

Both he and Nova are grown and the protective side of me has never faltered.

I would still run the ends of the world for my daughter. She's always going to be my little princess that was obsessed with barbie.

She would still come to my room when it would storm outside.

The little Nova in her has never outgrown.

And for that son of mine Julius.

The annoying side of him has never left nor has the playful side.

He and Nova are the best of friends but so is Rocco too.


It's been a good few hours since I've dropped Nova off at school and I've been stuck in my office for just as long too.

I've got so much work that needs to be done.

My phone rings and obviously it's Elijah calling. When does this fucker ever leave me alone.


"Lorenzo, is Sirius by any chance with you?" Elijah rushed out, cutting me off before I can even speak.

"No? I haven't seen the boy since God knows how long." I said as i could hear him sigh.

"He's just came back and I'm already looking for him." Elijah laughed.

"Sir, Mr Black was seen going to a high school nearby in the area." I heard one of Elijah's men say over the phone.

Elijah lives quite nearby to me and the only high school nearby is the one Nova attends.

That little shit really went to see my daughter.

"Elijah." I grunted.

"I always wanted a daughter in law anyways." I could tell Elijah was grinning on the other side of the call, he didn't give me any time to respond as he cut off the call.

He knows I'll beat his ass later.

"Enzo?!" I could hear Julius shout from outside my office door.

As always he slammed my door open and sat in one of my chairs.

"Can we go get Nova? I actually miss her." He huffed.

"One more hour left until school's over then you and Rocco can go and get her." I said as I looked over to my wrist watch.

"I swear I'm going to die of boredom." He groaned and left my office.

And now my mind wonders back to that little shit. What is he even doing at my daughter's school?

If he wanted her to be the first person he sees then I'm going to be offended because I thought I was his favorite uncle.

If he wanted her to be the first person he sees then I'm going to be offended because I thought I was his favorite uncle

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Scroll there's another chapter!

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