21.| Delicate

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- N O V A L I A -

The door shut close with a echoing thud making me immediately cringe at the sound.

Sirius was really pissed. Even pissed was an underestimated word. I've never seen him this way.

From what I heard, I knew his mother was behind every ounce of anger he's felt.

I didn't run after him, I wanted to give him all the space he needs.

I sat crossed legged onto the couch and sat in my thoughts.

I don't know his full story but from what I've heard today I can immediately say that he is and will always be a strong person.

I was too busy drowning in my thoughts that I haven't even heard my phone ring.

Thankfully I managed to snap out of my thoughts and answer my phone.

"Hello?" I murmured as the loud sound of bickering echoed throughout the background.

"You need to come get him before he kills him! Please hurry." The unrecognizable voice spoke quickly.

"Get who?! Please don't tell me it's Sirius." I sighed in frustration.

"You guessed correctly now get his arse out of here before he kills the dude."

- S I R I U S -

Unwrapping my hands, I stare at my bruised and bloody knuckles.

I guess the tape didn't work after all.

Atleast I won.

I was so frustrated, and the only way I could release the tension was by fighting by that I mean, boxing.

I toss my gloves to the side of the room and sit on the bench, resting my head against the wall when the door slams open revealing the bruised apponent I'd won earlier.

"I want a fucking rematch!" He exclaimed, not one bit of amusement appearing in his tone.

"I said I-" He went to shout again but I cut him off.

"I heard you the fucking first time. Did I knock the hearing sense out of you?" I chuckled which aggravated him more.

"How's the whore doing?" He smirked as he looked at my hands.

I still had the nail polish on my fingernails that Nova had painted.

My eyes immediately hardened at the statement, my fingers curling into a subtle fist ready to pounce at any moment.

I walked over to the door and shoved him across the room, but this time I made sure to lock the door.

I didn't want any disturbance now.

"Now what did you fucking say!?" I snarled and grabbed the collar of his t-shirt.

I on the other hand was shirtless, well minutes ago I'd just won a fight so obviously I'd cool off.

"I asked how's the whore doing!" He snapped back.

I could feel my hands tighten around his neck and place pressure to the area.

I drew my hand back and threw a force filled punch to his face making it snap to the side.

I had accidentally grazed his nose which caused it to bleed profusely.

"The bitch really has you wrapped around her finger doesn't-" He didn't get to finish his sentence before I threw him to the floor, his head hitting it with a thud.

My fists met with his face continuously, by now many people have gathered at the door trying to get me to step away but I've ignored them.

He fucking spoke about her. He called her a whole. He called her a bitch.

I'll show him what a fucking bitch is.

"You'll."  Punch  "Never."  Punch "Fucking."  Punch  "Talk."  Punch "About."  Punch  "Her."  Punch  "like"  Punch "That." Punch "Again."

I snarled as I threw Punch after Punch, not caring that his eyes were starting to roll back.

"Sirius! Open the door! " My head snapped to the door as I heard the familiar voice.

Nova's voice.

I immediately dropped my hands from his neck which made his head bang against the floor.

I settled one last glare at the fucker on the floor before I waltzed over to the door and unlocked it.

My eyes connected with her worried and panicked ones.

Her expression weaved with panic too.

I immediately grasped my hand with hers and led us out of the place which was now crowded probably due to the fucking show I put up.

"What were you thinking!? You probably killed him!" Nova exclaimed once we came to halt at my car.

"He deserves to die." I croaked and lit a cigarette.

"Give me that." Nova huffed as she snatched the cigarette from my hand and threw it to the floor.

I glared at the now broken cigarette and diverted my gaze to hers.

"I have more you know?" I lightly chuckled and gripped the pack of cigarettes in my sweatpants.

I felt much calmer now, when I was with her. She radiated a delicate warmth.

"Give it to me." She ordered and sticked out her hand, glaring at me.

I stared at her in amusement before I reached into my pocket and handed the pack of cigarettes to her.

As she placed the cigarettes into her purse I looked around the parking lot to see no sign of Nova's car.

My head snapped towards her and a subtle glare formed on my face.

"Where's your car?" I questioned flatly.

I already knew she walked till here. Her car wasn't in sight.

"I walked." She shrugged and met my stare.

"Don't you know how dangerous that is? What if something happened to you?" I questioned softly this time, she didn't need to be met with my anger.

"Well I'm here now aren't I?" She grinned lightly as a small smile stretched across my lips.

"Come on let's head home." I said.

"Can I drive?" She asked, her eyes glistening with the light.

"Fine." I huffed and tossed her the keys.

" I huffed and tossed her the keys

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Hiiii! Hope you all enjoyed!

The next chapter's better I swear.

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