8. | Sandwich

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- N O V A L I A -

Finally the bell rings.

After sitting and rotting away in a school desk I finally get to go home.
Within a few days this hell hole will be nothing but memories.

I can't wait to finally graduate.

I gather my books and wait for all the students to pass through the door before I finally do too.

I walk down the wall to see Sirius leaning against my locker, his eyes focused onto his phone.

The sound of students chattering makes him look up from his phone and search the crowd of students, finally setting his gaze on me.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to my lockers.

"What are you doing here?" I huffed and pushed him away from my locker but failed miserably.

"Jeez women." He chuckled as he moved away from my locker.

I glared at him and opened the locker shoving all my books inside.

By now I knew that either my brothers and dad were stuck with work or they would have been here by now.

"Alright let's go, I'm starving." I sighed and walked, Sirius catching up next to me.

"I know this sandwich place nearby we should go there." I said as he nodded and led me to his car.

"Lead the way princess." He said as I gave him the directions to the sandwich place.

Within a good 3 and a half minutes we finally reached and the place was half empty as usual.

I tried to support Linda as much as I could, Rocco and I would always come to her little Cafe and make sure to tip her a few hundred dollars.

We both got out of the car and walked across the street towards the Cafe.

Sirius opened the Cafe door for me which I thanked him for and soon trailed behind me.

"There's my sweet girl!" Linda cheered from behind the counter.

"Hi lin! How are you?" I asked and smiled at her.

"I'm all good sweet girl." She said and paused, looking over to Sirius. "And who might this be?" She asked with her bright smile.

"Oh this is Sirius." I said and jabbed him in the ribs making him glare at me.

"Nice to meet you." Sirius said and shook Linda's hand.

"You guys get along so well." Linda smiled which made me scowl.

"Pfftt- me? And him? Get along? I think you're dreaming Linda." I laughed as she shook her had with a laugh.

"Anyways what can I get you guys?" She asked

"I'll take my regular order and he'll have?" I said and looked over to him.

"I'll get whatever she's having." He spoke and Linda nodded writing down the orders.

We sat down at one of the tables as we waited for our food.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as he shot me a look.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He shrugged as I shrugged in return.

"You just seem more reserved than usual I guess?" I said.

He leaned over the table and muttered.

"I can't take any risks Nova. Our families are in the mafia,your eyes has to opened at all times especially when in public."


"You're Food!" Linda smiled as she set our sandwiches down.

I thanked her and turned back to my food.

"You're right this sandwiches are fucking good." He said as I smiled in victory.

A few moments later his phone rang which he immediately answered.

"Yeah she's with me."
"Oh shut the fuck up." He laughed and cut the call.

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Hope you all enjoyed this one!

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