33. | Apologize.

832 40 13

- N O V A L I A -

Rocco didn't utter a word but stared at me profusely.

I could see many vivid emotions portraying behind his dark eyes. He was hurting even after many years.

My heart slowly broke into many pieces at seeing my brother like this.

I sighed softly and wrapped my arms around his torso. He still stood rigid, making me huff.

"Hug me back you assehole."

"Shut up." He grumbled and wrapped his arms around me, squeezing me to his chest.

He hugged me tight for a good minute before letting go, "I'm sorry." He apologized and placed a kiss onto my forehead before going up to his room.

The sound of someone clearing their throat makes me turn around, forgetting they were even behind me.

My eyes met with a fuming Julius, a quiet Enzo and a glaring Roman who all sat on the couch with Sirius who had a grin plastered onto his face as I scowled at him.

"Just kill me already." I huffed and dramatically closed my eyes.

I shrieked loudly when I was lifted in the air and thrown over someone's shoulder.

My eyes shot open to see Julius carrying me towards the couch and plopped me between Enzo and himself.

"Jeez." I huffed and wiped the hairs from my face.

"I missed you." Enzo muttered and kissed the side of my head softly before pulling my into his side.

"Wait you're not angry?" I asked, suprised.

"Why would I be angry? Well I am angry at the fact that you're getting older but I'll never be angry at you for finding happiness." Enzo said softly.

Suddenly I was tugged to another chest making Enzo roll his eyes.

"Go touch some grass Enzo and let me hold my sister." Julius muttered.

"She's my daughter." Enzo deadpanned

"And she's my sister."

The front door slammed open with a thud making our heads snap to Elijah that strolled into the house.

"You might want to check out your car," Elijah laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his neck. "I might have scraped it."

There was no DNA testing needed to declare that Elijah was infact Sirius' father. There was a clear resemblance, even in their actions, there was a resemblance.

"You fucking asshole! That's my car!" Roman exclaimed and quickly jumped up from his seat and bolted out the door.

"If it's not your son I'm going to kill then it's you!" We all chuckled humorously at Roman's annoyed outbreak.

"Hey, what'd my son do to you." Elijah snickered and shot Roman a dirty look once he came back, storming back to his seat on the couch.

"He kissed my sister."

"He what?" Elijah said as if the message wasn't already clear.

"You heard me, he kissed my sister." Roman said and glared at Sirius.

"Am I not allowed to kiss my girlfriend?" Sirius shrugged and shot a wink in my direction.

"No you're not." Julius grumbled.

"Eat shit Julius." Sirius snickered.

"You have no idea how long I waited for this moment." Elijah grinned and took a seat next to Sirius.

His arm went around Sirius' neck, bringing him into a playful choke hold and ruffled his hair.

"Fuck off dad." Sirius glared.

I laughed softly at the sight, feeling the happiness flow throughout me once again.

I had my family surrounding me once again.

letting out a soft yawn, I lay my head onto Julius' shoulder and allow my eyes to close blocking out everyone else's voice.

"I'll take her to her room." I heard a hushed voice mutter before I felt myself being picked up.

The moments were swift as I felt myself  being placed onto my bed.

A kiss to my forehead makes me open my eyes to see Sirius tucking strands of my hair behind my ear.

"I'll see soon." He muttered before walking out of the door as Rocco strolls into my room giving Sirius a glare.

I roll my eyes and shut my eyes close.

"Nova." Rocco mutters as he shakes my shoulder.

"Get up little shit." He grumbled as I smiled softly to myself at the name.

He's never grown out of calling me that name.

Ever since I was younger he would call me a 'little shit'.

"I saw you smiling so get up."

"What do you want." I groan.

"I want to apologize for earlier." He said, his voice surprisingly soft.

I sit up and stretch my arms, accidentally jabbing Rocco in the jaw with my hand.

"You're fucking annoying do you know that?" He grumbled.

"I was sleeping perfectly peaceful until you interrupted me, I'd say you deserve that blow to your face."

"Shut up and come on." Rocco grumbled and tugged my arm to stand up.

"Where are we going?" I groaned.

"To the balcony now be quiet and just come on."

I rolled my eyes and trailed behind him as we walked outside of my room and to the doors that lead to the balcony.

Once we were outside on the balcony he made sure to close the doors before pulling a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

"Just this once, I haven't smoked since you've thrown your tantrum." He muttered.

"You haven't?" I asked, suprised.

He shot me a 'seriously' look, "You heard me the first time little shit."

"I'm sorry about earlier," He apologized  as he lit a cigarette.

"I know you're not a little kid anymore and you can do as you please but as your brother I still need to protect you from things. When I say protect I don't mean protect you from Sirius but I mean this world. This world is a dangerous place, I thought I could protect her but I couldn't." He muttered.

I sighed softly, placing placing my arms around him bringing him to a hug.

His arm wrapped around me, pulling me into his side as he tossed the cigarette onto the floor before killing it with his foot.

The balcony door opened causing me to turn around where as Rocco just looked over his shoulder.

"Enzo wants you both downstairs." Julius said as he motioned between both Rocco and I.

" Julius said as he motioned between both Rocco and I

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Hi everyone! I'm really sorry about the wait!

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