4. | Effortlessly beautiful.

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- S I R I U S -

The nostalgia that flew through me as I stepped foot out of the boarding gates was a feeling of constant remembrance.

The same feeling of when I was dragged through this same gates against my will for what they claimed as protection.

The day I left this country was the day my childhood was snatched from me.

My father stood infront of me with his wide excited smile while my face held a scowl.

I can't blame him for anything that has happened, I could never.

All he wanted was to protect me but at what cost?

He always made sure to call me day and night, even though we lived in different sides of the world he was still a constant figure in my life.

"Now what's with the look?" Dad said as he raised his eyebrow.

I lightly chuckled as I pulled him into a hug.

It wasn't my first time seeing him in person after 12 years, he always made sure to come and see me.

But he only saw an illusion.

I couldn't blame him for seeing that illusion either.

I made it incredibly difficult for him to see through me. But for others too.

It's too the point where I cannot even see through myself.

I had basically suppressed myself so I wouldn't burden my father with any of my troubles but in the end I lost touch with my feelings and emotions.

"Just a little jet lagged that's all." I shrugged as we walked off to his car, with my suitcases trailing alongside me.


"She's at school Sirius you'll see her later." Dad sighed as I glared at him.

"Oh fuck this." I huffed and walked out of dad's office and snatching my car keys from his desk.

I've waited 12 whole years to see her I wasn't going to let school stop me this time from seeing her.

I didn't even change out of my suit, I had flew all the way here to be stuck in a meeting with my dad and his co workers.

I just turned 18 and was proposed the offer to officially join my father's mafia.

I wasn't new to the concept, only new to becoming an official within the mafia.

This meant that I was next in line or heir to the thrown of his mafia.

I could see all our bodyguards gathering into a van probably trying to follow me for protection.

But for as long as I can remember I always protected myself from the people I thought was there to protect me.

I've protected myself and I'll continue doing so.

I rolled down my car window and looked over to them before speaking.

"If any of you fucking follow me I'm going to slash your tires and make sure the same knife goes through each of your heads." I snickered and hurriedly drove out of our driveway.

I didn't see their van following after me so I could finally breath the air I kept trapped in my chest.

Nova's school wasn't too far from the house nor was her house.

The school was quite massive which meant I'd have to search for her.

Or I could just ask the person at the front desk.

I searched for a parking before finally strolling inside the school.

I was probably the same age as most of these pupils but I had finished school about a year earlier than them all.

I stopped over at the front desk to which the lady said that it was recess, which meant Nova could be anywhere in this building.

I ended up walking through the hallways trying to find the cafeteria.

Everyone's gaze was now on me which made me scowl at them.

The whispers across the halls made me sigh in amusement.

My every moment was being watched by the eyes of these students.

"Need help?" A girl said as she walked into my way causing me to halt or I would literally walk over her.

She flipped her blonde hair over her shoulders and stared at me as if I was a piece of gold jewelry being sold at a affordable price.

"Does it look like I need help? I'm obviously trying to get somewhere but you're" I motioned to the floor. "In my way."

Her mouth hung open with displease.

Pretty privileges doesn't work with most people especially me.

I may not see through myself but I can see through others.

She could play her 'nice' act with someone that isn't me if she wants because I'm not dumb enough to fall into her mind playing trap.

"Well if you can just let me be on my way." I muttered as I walked around her until I saw the doors that led to the cafeteria.

I assumed she was in there because that's where I'd go if it was recess.

I was in a pretty bad mood from blondie over there which made me slam the cafeteria doors open.

What's with everything getting in my way?

I didn't need to look around the cafeteria to find Nova because my eyes were already settled onto her.

It took a second for her gaze to meet mine but when it did it felt as for a moment it was just me and her. Nothing else mattered in the moment.

She looked beautiful. Was it the way her hair fell onto her cheeks or was it just her?

She didn't need to do anything to be beautiful by that I mean she didn't need make up like blondie behind me.

She was just effortlessly beautiful.

The sparkle in her eyes could make me stare at her all day long.

If her dad Lorenzo and brother, Rocco could hear the conversations in my mind I would be dead by now.

Before I knew it she came striding over to me and I didn't waste any time before pulling her to my chest.

Something that didn't change was our height difference.

She was still short or maybe I'm just tall.

"Nova." I finally spoke.

It felt as if I could finally breath again.

It was like she was the oxygen to my lungs.

She didn't utter a word but hug me tighter. I could feel her tugging onto my suit which made me just wrap my arms even more around her.

This chapter is so bad so please forgive me when I get time tomorrow I'll edit and upload new chapters

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This chapter is so bad so please forgive me when I get time tomorrow I'll edit and upload new chapters.

I could only finish off this chapter for now but tomorrow there'll be more!

Bye bye!

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