Chapter 7: The Devils Meeting

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3rd POV:

In Somewhere Else.

Blackheart: "Now then...all everything is...we kill him and then I will take over the throne by himself, now gentlemen." He said to them and there was a demon who is the son of Mephistopheles by himself...he disobey his own father's rule and he doesn't take follow anything by himself only what he really want is...get the throne of hell by himself. There was several demons are in the meeting of bar by themselves and they both were sat there and look at the demon had a name is...Blackheart.


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Centuries of murder in a locale named Christ's Crown, in New York, drew the attention of the demon-lord Mephisto, who used the energy of the accumulated evil there to create a "son," Blackheart. Blackheart explored the nature of evil under his father's tutelage, clashing with and failing to corrupt Daredevil and Spider-Man.[9] Mephisto and Blackheart once tormented Daredevil, Brandy Ash, the genetically engineered Number Nine, and the Inhumans Gorgon, Karnak, and Ahura, manipulating their emotions and tricking them. They were soon drawn into Hell for worse torments. Brandy Ash did not survive.

When Blackheart was in the building and he was killing many rest of those homeless people in there and all everybody was turn into skinny as hell and then they were being sucked by something what killed them like nothing. Then this demon was the terrifying monster and son of Mephisto and that's for what he really want to do his own pleasure plan to take (Y/N) down.

When there were demon figures who were arrive here right on the time and they both were stood right there and then they saw Blackheart was standing over there by himself and then he was have a meeting with these demons...and talk with them for awhile about what they must do...take over the throne of hell comes from (Y/N).

He's the one who ruining (Y/N)'s life.

He's the one who make a deal with (Y/N).

Turn him into Ghost Rider.

Turn him into Ghost Rider

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Mephisto is an extra-dimensional Demon who rules a fiery pocket dimension that he calls "Hell" or "Hades" although it is neither the Hell of the Christian religion nor the Hades ruled by Hades, the Olympian god of the dead. Mephisto calls his extra-dimensional realm "hell" in order to exploit Earth human beings' belief in a single being of absolute evil, who is often referred to as Satan, who rules such a realm. Mephisto resembles the traditional visual conception of the devil. (It is not known whether this is Mephisto's true appearance, or one that he has adopted in order to resemble the devil). He also allows himself to be called names that human beings give to their conceptions of devils, such as Mephisto, a shortened form of Mephistopheles, the name given to the devil in the Faust legends and of a possible fallen angel.

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