Chapter 26: The Scarecrow

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3rd POV:

Next Night Later.

A woman who was been running away from the master that she just kill because she is betray him and she doesn't want to belong with him...and she was running fast as she could and make her tries her best to survive and her mana was low level right now and she need more of it. This woman had a blue hair and she wore a black cloak hood on by herself and she was been running fast as she could to get away from here by herself and she just tries her best to survive by herself...this woman was a servant and yes...she is a servant.

This woman who was love.

But she is a witch.

A witch.

Her name is Medea.

Her name is Medea

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Medea was been running for 4 hours lately at this night and she tries her best to survive from someone who was going after and she doesn't want to die and she tries her best to live and she need to find the other way to get out of here by herself. Then Medea who was tries her best to keep running fast as she could and then she just stop and make her was laying down on the ground and she is breathing and keep breathing out.

Medea: "I-I can't keep going up like this." She said to herself.

When she was laying there for awhile and until she heard there was an engine bike came here right away and make her turn her head to look up and she saw there was a motorcycle came here right away and then the bike was stop. After the bike is finally stop that he just stepped out of his bike and make him walking toward to the person is laying there and Medea turn her head to look up and she saw him is here....(Y/N)...that's (Y/N) stood right there.

(Y/N): "Are you alright, miss?" He asked her.

Medea: "H-Help me." She said to (Y/N) and he was about to help her but he sense there was another presence appeared here right now and make (Y/N) turn his head to look around and he notice there was something else is here. When he turn his head to look over there and he saw there was a demon's presence is here right now...and (Y/N) was narrow his eyes at the new figure is here.

(Y/N): "Scarecrow." He said to himself.

" He said to himself

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Born in Rhinebeck, New York, Ebenezer Laughton was raised by an alcoholic mother who beat him viciously, and afterward her guilt drove her to give him presents. Believing that rewards followed punishment, Ebenezer began deliberately misbehaving to receive beatings.

Ebenezer was a naturally flexible, lithe, double-jointed youth who saw a "rubber man" perform at a traveling carnival and became obsessed with emulating him. Training himself almost incessantly, Laughton learned to twist and bend his body into numerous unusual positions and perform various acrobatic stunts. Growing into a socially stunted young man, the abnormally flexible and agile Ebenezer worked as sideshow "rubberman" Umberto the Uncanny. A brief audition of his abilities gained him a job at a live variety show.

During one of his performances, Iron Man entered the theater in pursuit of a criminal whom he observed robbing the ticket vendor outside. Seeking publicity, Laughton stopped the thief with a simple acrobatic move. As Iron Man carried the criminal away, Laughton realized the criminal potential of his abilities. Laughton stole a flock of trained birds from a fellow performer to assist him in his new costumed criminal guise as the Scarecrow.

Scarecrow: "Ghost Rider...seems you arrive right on the time.~" He said to (Y/N) and make him was stood right there and he was sigh out little bit.

(Y/N): "Why is it always ruining my moment." He said to himself and then (Y/N) was turn his head to look at Scarecrow and make his eyes flames up and then he transform into Ghost Rider right away.

After the transformation of Ghost Rider was done and make (Y/N) was stood right there and he is going to fight this motherfucker and Medea was taken surprise for what she saw (Y/N) in his Ghost Rider form and this make her was afraid of him

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After the transformation of Ghost Rider was done and make (Y/N) was stood right there and he is going to fight this motherfucker and Medea was taken surprise for what she saw (Y/N) in his Ghost Rider form and this make her was afraid of him.

After the transformation of Ghost Rider was done and make (Y/N) was stood right there and he is going to fight this motherfucker and Medea was taken surprise for what she saw (Y/N) in his Ghost Rider form and this make her was afraid of him

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(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Now, I'm going to kill you with my bare hands.~" He said to Scarecrow and then Scarecrow was let out a chuckle to (Y/N) and then he take his dual weapons out and prepare to fight also Scarecrow was got the weapon out and prepare to fight (Y/N). When the two of them were looking at each others and they both let out their war cries out and charge toward each others and fighting as well.

After (Y/N) defeat Scarecrow and he send Scarecrow back to the hell where he belong to and then the Rider turn his head to look at Medea who was surprise and amaze to seen (Y/N) kill Scarecrow like that...and it was awesome.

Medea: "W-Whoa re you?" She asked (Y/N)

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Medea: "W-Whoa re you?" She asked (Y/N).

(Y/N)/Ghost Rider: "Me? I'm Ghost Rider...Spirit Of Vengeance." He said to her.

To Be Continued.

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