{Chapter 5}

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Bonjour mon amis! (This is like all I've learned from two years of french)

Soooo what are your thoughts guys? I want to hear them. Like it so far? Vote please and comment! ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


     The next four hours was a blur. Carla got caught up in a whirlwind of introductions. Some of Sam's friends from the dance team who all looked alike with thick lean muscles and beautiful curves that made Carla seem like a twig. Ridian introduced her to people on the Lacrosse team with him who all appeared meaty and ape like to Carla. 

     Dancing with Sam was crazy. The DJ had started playing old school jazz and pop music including almost all of Michael Jackson's songs. When thriller came on they even did the whole routine. They'd been obsessed with him in middle school and learned all his dances back then. Soon people joined them and they were all popping and locking and laughing together.

     Dancing with Ridian had been nerve racking. He took her out to the dance floor for all the juke music, body grinding hip hop songs and a couple of slow dances. She didn't mind the body grinding songs because at least then she didn't have to look at him and could just lose herself in the bass beat. For the slow songs she awkwardly shuffled from side to side trying not to make eye contact until she burst out laughing at the silly faces he was making towards her. 

     At one moment he made a monkey face that was fugly and ridiculous Carla broke away from his grip so that she could find a wall to support herself while she laughed. She was gasping for air and gilled with giggles before he found her and whisked her away for another song.

      Dancing with strangers hadn't been so bad. Nobody questioned her or gave her disapproving looks or judged her or even forced her to smile. Just because of that she found herself smiling more and more until every one nearly reached her eyes. Everyone around was nice and energetic so when the club and electronic music started coming on they were all fist bumping together. Leaving Carla breathless, sweaty and heart racing but thirsting for more.

     Playing beer pong for the first time was interesting but it was even more of a surprise for Carla when she started winning, and all her opponents ended up passed out wasted. She competed with the football captain in dance dance revolution who'd lost to her in beer pong and ended up kicking his ass in that too. Mostly because it used to be her only form of exercise so she was a master level at every song. 

     There was even a scavenger hunt that took place before they came inside to dance some more. She'd originally teamed up with Sam but she'd lost her in the darkness of the woods and didn't bother looking for her. Sam knew the woods better than her so there was no worry of her getting lost and since Sam had been drinking, she'd been slowing them down anyways. 

     Carla hummed quietly to herself as she searched for the last thing on her list; wedding ring. She'd already found the sports jersey, the alcoholic drink, the frisbee, the red rose, the yellow flag and the hawaiian lei. The forest was quiet around her as she searched for a glimmer of metal that would alert her to the presence of the ring. 

     A rustling of leaves and the sound of a twig snapping pulled her up short and she shined the flashlight from her phone into the trees. Her heart was pounding in her chest even though the shining light revealed nothing. She took a deep breath and calmed down before turning back towards her original path, only to let out a blood curdling shriek and successfully dropped all her items onto the ground before a hand clamped over her mouth.

     A pair of familiar gray eyes appeared in front of her green ones and her heart rate slowed slightly as Carla realized she wasn't about to murdered Cabin in the Woods style. It was just Ridian. She ripped his hand from her mouth and gave him a light shove to which he responded with laughter.

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