{Chapter 28}

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Yeah so this is a little short. Hope you guys still enjoy. There's a couple of surprises in here. Well maybe you saw it comment. Vote and tell me what you think in the comments!

Enjoy lovelies!


"Wh-who's there?" Carla stuttered out in fear. The figure stepped into the light revealing her mother. Her crying mother. "Mom?!" Carla exclaimed in a panic.

Not for her well being but for her own safety. Something must be seriously wrong if it made her mother cry. She quickly scanned her body for blood or wounds and found none. She calmed down slightly before turning her attention back to her mother now more confused and wary than anything.

"Hush Carla. I'm not going to hurt you," Her mothers voice was soft. Carla faintly remembered being talked to like this when her father was still around. "I just wanted to talk to you," Her mother said before taking a seat at the end of her bed. Carla scooted up on her bed till her back hit the headboard.

"Have I done something wrong?" she stuttered out quietly not wanting to meet her mothers eyes. 

"No, no , no , no." Her mother said softly shaking her head. "I'm the  one who's in the wrong." What? Carla snapped her head up to see her mother's tearstained face, freshly weeping. 

"Excuse me?" Carla asked in shock.

"I am such a horrible mother. I don't know what's wrong with me. How could I have put you through all of the torture and despicable things I did. I would blame it on the alcohol or your fathers death being too hard for me or your brothers disappearance but I can't. It's me. I'm simply evil! I don't even know how I sleep at night knowing what I've done to my own child!" Her voice grew shrill and hysterical. Carla stayed silent in shock not knowing what to do. 

Was her mother apologizing? This made no sense. She had no idea what to do. Just earlier she'd been threatening her life and now she was apologizing for treating her cruelly for a lifetime? What was going on? Carla had ached to hear these words from the first incident but she knew she never would and was skeptical of the whole thing. 

Her mother wiped her eyes and sniffled a little finally stopping her tears. Her eyes were still watery as she looked at her daughter and slowly held her hands out. 

"Do you think...you could ever forgive me?" Carla's jaw dropped. Then she noticed a slight twitch in the side of her mothers mouth. After another second the twitch became a smile which became a full out laugh and the arms that were open before were now clutching at her stomach as her mothers body was wracked with tremors from her laughter. 

"Oh... my....god... I couldn't do it!" She gasped out in between laughs. "I could barely keep a straight face!" She laughed some more before sitting up straight and pointing at Carla. "And you," she began before dissolving into laughter once more. "You looked like you actually bought it! Hahahahah!" Carla was more than a little confused but her mind was starting to figure what had just happened.

After awhile her mother seemed to calm down and she wiped away the tears that were in her eyes. "I just wanted to try something a little different. Instead of physical torture since that always tires me out I figured emotional might be fun but damn I didn't think you'd actually buy it. You're more stupid than I thought," After another light chuckle she stood to her feet leaving a now watery eyed Carla on the bed by herself.

As she got to the door she paused in opening it and looked back at her.

"Oh, I sleep like a baby." With a wink and a last cackling laugh she opened the door and sashayed out slamming it behind her making Carla jump. After a long time she curled up into a fetal position and cried herself to sleep. The next day it took a lot of makeup to remove the puffy crying look from her eyes.

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