{Chapter 14}

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Heyy readers!

It's time for Ridian's turn! Who are you guyz voting for? Team Peter? Team Ridian? Or the surprise contestant; Mitch? Let me know in the comments and vote please! ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


Carla woke up early on Saturday, it was barely light outside and after checking her clock she realized it was 5:00am. What could have possibly woke me? she thought in bewilderment as she sat up on her bed yawning. Then she froze, taking in the dark, silhouetted figure sitting on the edge of her bed. Her eyes widened in fear and it paralyzed her.

The figure reached over to the tall lamp at the foot of her bed and pulled the string, casting the room in warm, yellow glow. As the light illuminated the face of the figure Carla breathed a sigh of relief as she realized it was only her mom and not an intruder. Then her fear came back as she realized she was probably getting an early morning beat down since her mother had not been around lately.

Her mother stared at her with the same emerald green eyes. Carla and her mother actually looked quite alike sharing many facial features. Carla even got her short but slim frame from her mother. The only thing she really got from her father was her tall straight nose and her creamy skin. Her mother on the other hand shared her eye color, small dainty hands, lip shape and hair color.

At this moment however her mothers green eyes were filled with the smugness of one who knows a secret. It filled Carla with more fear than usual and her heart rate started to pick up again.

"So you're comfortable enough to think you can have boys over huh?" Her mother asked in calm voice. Carla's eyes widened in shock. How did she know about Peter? She wasn't even here yesterday? Her mother lifted a hand Carla hadn't realized had been hidden behind her back and lightly tossed something to Carla's lap. Carla looked down recognizing the gray beanie Peter had worn yesterday.

"At least clean up after yourself you slut," her mother said with a lip curled in disgust.

"I-I'm sorry moth-" Carla started to apologize but was caught off by her mothers raised hand. She flinched making a smile appear on her face.

"Did I say you could speak?" Her mother asked coldly. Carla shook her head no. "Then don't. Your voice grates on my ears. Anyways, you must think you run things if you're hosting boys at MY house without permission,". Carla furiously shook her head no, eyes wide and her lips trembling out of fear.

"No?" Her mother asked with a slight cock of the head. "Could've fooled me,". Suddenly she leaned forward and grabbed a fistful of Carla's hair dragging her head roughly forward till her ears were at her lips. Carla's eyes watered from the stinging pain.

"Don't get too comfortable sweetheart. All these years have just been me playing around. You don't want me to get serious," she whispered into her hair. Carla nodded the best she could and was released. Her mother then smiled and stroked her hair, tucking it behind her hair.

"Good girl," she murmured before standing and leaving the room. Carla sat still for a long time before she gained the courage to slide out of bed and into her bathroom.

Turning on the light she looked at her pale reflection, her usually creamy skin was now a ghostly white and her eyes had that deer in headlight look. Except now they looked blank and unseeing like after the deer has already been hit and the life has left them. She silently washed her face and brushed her teeth, her mind blank as she mindlessly prepared for her date with Ridian.

It was still hours away but she needed to keep herself busy lest she fall back into that dark hole that over took her mind when she was alone. Like Peter, Ridian had never told her what they were doing but he did say to dress warmly. So she put on her insulated thermal black leggings underneath a tan brown knitted dress. After brushing her hair out so it lay in light waves around her shoulders she settled down on her bed to wait.

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