{Chapter 15}

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Hey guys.

Sorry it's a little short today. Comment and vote please ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


Carla woke up at noon the next day. The midday light shined in through the blinds covering her bedside window and caused her to fully depart from dreamland. Immediately she checked under the covers to make sure her clothes were still on and then when she found they were sighed in relief.

How did I get home last night? She thought.

She vaguely remembered the feel of someone's arms around her and a whisper at her ear which she assumed was Ridian.

He must have taken me home when I fell asleep, she thought in understanding. Shit I fell asleep! That's so embarrassing! He's going to think I was bored and thought even unconsciousness was better than listening to him speak. Ughhh. Carla buried her head in her hands letting out a verbal groan to match the one in her hand.

Then her own smell reached her nose and she recoiled instantly from the scent of forest, sweat and stale pasta sauce. Pushing back her covers she walked to her bathroom and stripped before hopping in the showers. Her mother always spent Sunday's at her Hospitals team yacht club trying to get in good with her boss who was twice her age and married. Not that she cared.

After Carla finished showering she checked the time again. It was now 1pm. Mitch had told her to meet him at the anime shelter at 2pm for their date. He had a little sister to pick up from day care at 7:30pm so their date wouldn't last long. Carla thought it was sort of endearing he had a little sister who he cared so strongly for and took such great care of. Sort of.

She had a feeling if Mitch and her had ever gotten serious she'd be put on the back burner the majority of the time. That was the smallest reason why she was going into this date with the intention of destroying all possibilities for another one. She didn't even know Mitch that well, let alone like him romantically. Accepting his offer for a date had been a bad decision in every way except that it made Ridian grow the balls to ask her out as well.

As she got dressed she tried to steel herself for the heartbreak she was about to inflict on her boss and tried not to feel to badly about it so that she would man up and just do it. Today the sun was out and the temperature was in the low fifties so it wasn't that cold. Carla put on a black, knee length skater girl dress with 3/4 sleeves and some gray geometrically patterned stockings and some maroon chunky heel Oxford lace ups.

By the time she put on her cream dress coat it was 1:30pm and she grabbed her keys hurrying out the door. The drive was a mere twenty minutes and she parked in front of the shelter with ten minutes to spare. She walked out her car and tentatively approached the door. She pushed it open and it gave with a slight jangle from the overhanging bells. She almost jumped in surprise at the sight of Danny sitting and waiting for her.

His fur had been brushed and cleaned and he even had a little red Bow tie around his neck. Carla smiled at him but when she reached to give him a pet he turned tail and slowly started walking towards the back room, stopping every now and then to make sure she was following.

Bewildered and curious Carla followed the little pup to the back room and gasped in surprise. It'd been completely transformed. The cages had been pushed to the far right wall and stacked orderly and in the center of the room was a picnic blanket with a cute little woven basket, candles and real champagne in a ice bucket.

And sitting in the center of the picnic blanket was Mitch in a whistle dress shirt and jeans holding another bouquet of flowers but pale pink this time.

Miracles In DecemberOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz