{Chapter 8}

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Hallo! (That is supposedly hello in Dutch.....again suspicious)

I thought it was time for some added love interest and character development so pardon me if this chapter is a little boring. It will get more exciting I swear!

So I tried to make this one a little bit longer since my other chapters have been so short. please vote and tell me what you think in the comments! ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


Haven't had that dream in awhile, Carla thought as she awoke with a yawn. The memory of the little gray eyed boy faded to the back of her mind as she got dressed. It was Sunday and she had the morning shift at her job at the animal shelter.

One pair of grey leggings, black combat boots, large knitted cream sweater and a navy blue beanie later, she was ready. She'd brushed out her hair to lie in light brown waves on her shoulders. Her mother was passed out drunk in her room down the hall, snoring heavily so Carla got to escape a morning incident before heading out to work.

One forty minute bus ride later and Carla was standing outside the shelter. It was a cozy looking place with a forest green outside paint job, large open windows so that passer-bys could look in and a large animatronic puppy chasing a cat above the shelter sign. Carla felt at peace here.

Smiling to herself she opened the door. As she entered the shop the door chimes rang out clearly above her head, sending some of the puppies in the back into a barking frenzy. She smiled wider as she inhaled the warm smell of coffee, clean dogs and lavender.

Her boss Mitch had lit a candle. As she walked further into the shelter he rounded the corner from the back room with two fresh mugs of coffee and a smile which she happily returned.

"You know I love you right?" Carla told him as she gleefully accepted the warm mug. Mitch's light blue eyes sparkled at her words as he smirked.

"You only use me for free coffee and cute puppies,". His voice was laced with teasing and amusement. She bumped shoulders with him.

"As long as you know," she joked before rounding the corner herself to where the animals were kept.

"Hi Danny!" she cooed zeroing in on an adorable chocolate lab prancing around in one of the bigger cages whom she'd been caring for for the past couple weeks. He was still a puppy when he'd been abandoned on the street by a family who's litter was too big.

Carla and Mitch brought him to the shelter and once he was fed and nursed back to health, he turned out to be the friendliest bundle of love ever. Carla would've adopted him if her circumstances at home were any different.

She opened his cage and he bounded out licking her arms and face as he gave little excited yelps. His bark hadn't fully matured yet. She laughed holding her coffee mug in the air with one hand so it didn't fall while she scratched behind his soft, velvety ears with the other.

"I missed you too buddy," she cooed. Mitch watched Carla and Danny in amusement and affection.

"Why can't I get a greeting like that?". He asked while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Because you're a pervert honey," Carla cooed not taking her eyes off of Danny's large black ones. "Isn't that right Danny? Isn't Mitch a pervert?". She said in a baby voice as she scratched under his chin.

Danny wagged his tail furiously in what she took to be agreement and she giggles. A light and airy sound. Carla heard Mitch sigh and mutter something under his breath about "might as well date the dog" and "too beautiful for her own good" before walking off to get the food and the leash. Carla was too caught up in cuddling with Danny to really pay attention.

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