{Chapter 27}

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Howdy!(Yes that's technically english but it is accented southernly so I'm letting it slide)

So now that you guys have seen a little bit of her mother are you ready for more or nah? Who here actually thinks she's a bad person? Is she a victim too? So many questions, anyone got an answer? Guess not. Well comment if something comes to you (; And vote please! ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


"What the hell are you doing here?" Carla uttered her voice returning to her in a low whisper. Her eyes were wide and void of any emotion but shock.

"Who the fuck do you think you're talking to like that?" Her mother snapped harshly. Carla flinched at her tone and ducked her head not meeting her cold eyes or Danny's surprised ones. She'd forgotten he didn't know about their mother and her...habits. 

"That's your brother now show some respect. Fetch us some refreshments and make yourself useful,". This was the nicest her mother was going to get with Danny around and Carla knew it so she scurried off to carry out her mothers orders before she got mad. She heard Danny start to say something but his voice quickly faded out as she got further away towards the back of the house.

Bursting into the kitchen she placed her bag on the counter before collapsing atop it herself. Her head was pounding and her heart was racing. This was too much. After what she'd heard she never imagined he'd show his face here, to their mother. He probably thought he was helping. 

Stupid fool, Carla thought tiredly.

Quickly she lifted her head and set to work preparing chamomile tea. Maybe it would have the same calming effect on mother that it had on me. That'd be nice, Carla thought. 

As soon as the kettle began to whistle she brought down two white ceramic mugs with floral patterning down from the overhead cabinet. Then she remembered Ridian and shakily pulled down a third as she wondered what he was thinking now. Filling them both with hot water she put in the tea bags and let them sit while she went and got the sugar. Two spoonfuls each and a stir later and Carla was re entering the parlor with a tray that held three steaming mugs of deliciousness.

"About time," her mother snapped before delicately taking up a mug and sipping quietly.

"Sorry," Carla said as she ducked her head and retreated to the far side of the room after giving first Danny, then Ridian their mugs. She didn't dare sit or make eye contact with either of them. It was killing her inside letting not only Danny but Ridian see this side of her but there was nothing she could do in the presence of her mother. Danny cleared his throat to speak making Carla's eyes flit upwards momentarily before darting back to the mahogany carpet once more.

"So as I was saying earlier, I've realized my past mistakes. I was wrong to leave you both. I was young, foolish and immature and I would like a second chance in your lives to make it up to you,". Carla's jaw tightened in anger at his words but she could almost hear the sweet smile crawling against her mother's thin lips.

"But of course sweetie!" Her mother exclaimed. "We've always missed you haven't we Carla?" Her voice hardened on Carla's name and Carla felt her sharp gaze upon her. She quickly nodded in agreement and let out a breath of relief as she felt her gaze slide away back to Danny. Her mother crossed her legs, her cream pants sliding smoothly against each other.

"Whatever did you have in mind?" Her voice was smoother than the underbelly of a snake. Danny smiled at her his blue eyes sparking.

"Well I was thinking, if the two of you weren't opposed to it,". He glanced over at Carla before continuing. "Moving in with you two!" He exclaimed. Carla's eyes widened in shock and then in disbelief and her head snapped up ready to deliver a sharp retort but her mother's glare silenced her before she could speak.

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