{Chapter 3}

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    Carla approached the schools front double doors. They were large, towering, solid things, hand crafted from a chestnut oak wood framed by her school creed resting on a golden plaque above them. Her favorite thing about them were the Victorian style door knobs; two beautifully delicate items made from real diamond.

    Whenever she held them in her hands she felt as if she was about to go back in time, to large sweeping dresses, dashing young men and elegant tea parties. It was an idea that made her laugh every time she thought it, which was something she needed right before entering school. It amused her how her biggest stress reliever was two giant blocks of wood, but also comforting because that meant it was a reliable one. It couldn't get up on two legs it didn't have and leave her like other people in her life so often had.

    She took a deep breath and then immediately regretted it as her ribs screamed in pain. She tried to blow it out which resulted in a spasmodic coughing fit leaving her breathless and teary eyed as she clutched at her side. Won't be doing that again, she thought. Adjusting her shirt one last time she practiced a few smiles in her phone's screen and then, not feeling satisfied with any of them, opened the door.

    As Carla entered the school building she was nearly run over by an energetic ball of blonde hair; Sam. Laughing slightly at her friend who'd fallen from the impact, she helped her up and brushed the dirt off of her jacket.

    "What's wrong with you?" she teased. "Who has this much energy before 8am?" Sam was breathing hard but a beaming smile still shone on her face.

    "I knew it!" she exclaimed in sheer happiness. Carla's face twisted I n confusion.

    "Knew what?" Sam locked her doe brown eyes onto Carla's and they shone with excitement.

    "That Ridian would be the one for you!" Finally Sam had caught her breath and stood poised with both hands on her waist, jutting out her hip to the side as one of her backpack straps hung loosely off her shoulder.

    Carla's brow furrowed in further confusion as she thought about what that meant. Suddenly her face cleared and her eyes widened as she came to the realization that he'd probably told her about what they did last night. Frankly that was the last thing she wanted to discuss at the moment, even if it was with her best friend. Throwing her hands up in a defensive position she tried to side step Sam and walk away all the while shaking her head back and forth.

    "No. No, no, no, and no. You have it all wrong and I do not feel like explaining it to you right now." Sam blocked her path with both arms outstretched on either side as she bobbed from foot to foot preparing to go any way should Carla try to run. This pulled Carla up short.

    "You honestly didn't think I would let you get away that easily did you?" she asked cockily. Sam had a different expression in her eyes now; determination. It shone at Carla with a familiar fire that meant resistance was futile. What were once chocolate brown eyes irises were now closer to a molten vat of copper.

    She shifted positions when she saw Carla wasn't planning on running so that her arms were now crossed against her chest, and for someone who was only 5'1 she made quite the fearsome figure. Carla sighed in exasperation before wincing slightly in pain, having forgotten about her newly acquired injuries. She looked back up to Sam wondering if she'd noticed but was only met with the resilient look in her eyes. She wasn't budging. Pinching the bridge of her nose between her forefinger and her thumb Carla came to a decision.

    Grabbing whichever of Sam's arms were closest she dragged her to the nearest bathroom down the hall and locked the door behind them. They came out five minutes later, Carla looking defeated but satisfied and Sam looking awed but disappointed at the same time.

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