{Chapter 22}

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Nihao!(I think that's how you spell that lol...sorry to my chinese ancestry)

Muahahahahahaha! She fell in the pond! Man I enjoyed writing that scene. Did you guys enjoy reading it? I hope so. Lemme know your thoughts! And vote please! ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


"Ugh," Carla groaned. Her head was pounding as if someone had mistaken it for a construction site and hammered away at her temples. The pain climaxed right behind her eyes in a sharp pinnacle of agony. Carla groaned again the sound crawling out of her throat, low in pitch and animalistic. There was a shuffling sound to her right and then what sounded like someone talking.

Oh my god, she thought. Have I forgotten English? In a panic she attempted to focus on the sound and identify what the person was saying but it only made her head erupt in a new wave of pain and she quickly gave up accepting her new life of ignorance. After awhile the voices subsided and eventually the pain did as well so Carla was able to slowly open her eyes.

She cracked the right one open first, squinting at the bright over head light before opening the other, her eyelids peeling back to reveal tired green irises. Carefully she looked around the room careful not to move her head too quickly and restart her earlier torture session. 

As she took in her surroundings Carla realized she was in a hospital room. There was IV attached to her left arm pumping steady fluids into her veins. The thought of needles had always made her sick and she turned away from the sight, her stomach already turning over.

On either side of the bed she lay in there was a chair pulled up. The one on her left had a familiar black puffy coat and red scarf thrown across it. It belonged to Ridian. The chair on her right had an expensive looking leather jacket carefully placed on the back with a hunter green beanie in the seat. A small flatscreen up on the wall in the right corner facing Carla displayed a muted cooking show host explaining how to properly season your lamb chops.

There was a door underneath it and slightly to the left that Carla assumed led to the bathroom. A tall, light brown wooden closet stood to her right next to an empty bedside table that was slightly open. Carla could see her jacket dripping from a hanger on the inside, a small puddle formed beneath it. There was another bedside table on her left that housed a lamp and a pitcher of water as well as a glass on top of a plastic tray.

As Carla continued to visually explore the room she heard voices appearing outside her room. 

Suddenly the door to her room slid open and two figures stood in the door frame, one slightly behind the other. She furrowed her eyebrows slightly on the one closest to her. A dull pounding awakened at the base of her skull and she cursed mentally but continued focusing on the figure. The blurry image suddenly cleared and sharpened. Her eyes locked onto a pair of worried grey irises. Ridian, she thought in relief.

Slowly she smiled. 

"Well don't just stand there looking at me, come on over," she said cringing internally at the way her voice sounded. It was scratchy, high pitched and airy. Sounding hoarse to her own ears it hurt as it came out. She coughed a little rubbing at her throat with a slight frown as she did so. Ridian immediately walked over and sat in the chair on her left that held his coat before scooting it closer to the bed while leaning forward and grasping one of her lands that lay still on top of the pale lavender colored sheets.

He stretched his left hand out and tucked a strand of loose hair around her ear before questioning in a worried tone lathered in sincere caring, "Are you okay? How do you feel? Do you remember anything?" Carla smiled at his sincerity and stroked her thumb softly over the knuckles of the hand holding hers.

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