{Chapter 20}

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Hallo darlings! Do you know what chapter this is?

Number 20 yes so do you know what that means?? It's time for a guy's POV! And the lucky guy is PETER! :) Comment thoughts and vote please!

Enjoy lovelies!


Peter sat for a quite sometime outside on the love seat. He wasn't entirely surprised that Carla had chosen Ridian over him but he'd hoped he'd showed her just how much he cared. He'd thought he would be enough but sadly he wasn't. Taking a deep breath he got to his feet. No longer really in the mood to party he wandered back into the party and nearly ran into Sam coming downstairs.

"Woah, woah blondie where are you going in such a rush?" Peter asked steadying Sam before she fell flat on her face. Instead of laughing like she usually would she turned a deadly glare on him causing him to back up with his hands up in defense.

"I do NOT appreciate being degraded down to a stereotypical dumbass who is nothing more than her bleached highlights!" she snapped. Peter gulped a little scared.

"Okay so no blondie," he cautiously responded. Then he stepped forward a little making Sam flinch back as he peered into her face. Her eyes were slightly red rimmed. "Have you been..crying?" He asked his brows creased in a worried tone. Sam had become like a little sister to him and he was concerned. Sam sniffled once.

"Maybe," she muttered to the ground shuffling her feet.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Peter asked. "I may not live here but I know of a quiet place," he said with a small smile. Sam returned it her glare finally fading and followed him as he walked back out onto the porch. Peter plopped back into the love seat he'd been in only moments before and patted the seat next to him.

"Come on, tell Uncle Pete all about it," he grinned with his arms open. Sam snorted at his idiocy but she sat down and he wrapped an arm around her in a side hug.

"Well for one thing Ridian is an asshole." Peter slightly tensed at his name but quickly relaxed a moment later.

"Don't I know it," he muttered. Sam looked up at him apologetically but he waved for her and gestured for her to continue.

"I told him to buy four kegs. FOUR. One for the kitchen, one for the game room, one for the basement and one for outer sitting room where most people are dancing. Equally spaced so that people have access and don't all have to crowd in one place. But not so much people can go ridiculously crazy. This also saves money on buying beer bottles and other hard liquor and stops people from tapping into my parents wine cellar." She glanced up at Peter and he nodded to indicate he was still listening.

"So tell my WHY this bloody idiot goes and buys FOURTEEN KEGS?! Like how does four sound like fourteen? Can he not freaking count?!" Sam finished yelling and gesturing her hands about in exasperation. "Now I have more kegs than I know what to do with and people are going bat shit crazy with the keg stands and more drunk than I ever anticipated and it's just horrible ugh."

She collapsed back into Peter's arm covering her face with her hands. Peter rubbed her arm comfortingly before speaking.

"Sound's like he's taken one too many lacrosse balls to the head." Sam grunted in reply. "Tell you what," Peter began gently lifting her hands from her face. "I know a guy who works at a club downtown and he's always in need of booze. I could have him send some guys to pick up the kegs and take them off your hands. They'll be here in thirty minutes tops." Sam lifted her head up her face a little blotchy but her eyes wide and hopeful.

"Really? You can do that?" He nodded once and she broke out into a grin and hugged him. He chuckled and patter her head before leaning back.

"Now as stressful as that sounds, that doesn't sound like enough to make the mighty Sam cry. Did something else happen?" Sam's smile slid off her face and her shoulders instantly drooped. "What is it? What happened?" Peter asked.

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