{Chapter 21}

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Hey gorgeous people!

Are you disappointed she didn't choose Peter? How did you like his POV? This chapter is a little longer than usual so bear with it. Let me know in comments and vote please! ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!


Carla woke up slowly and quietly. She slipped from the dream world into reality simply by opening her eyes revealing a deep emerald green. Early morning light was filtering in through the window directly across from her side of the bed casting the room in dipping shadows and golden rays of sunshine.

Carla smiled and stretched out her arms yawning deep while arching her back in a cat like stretch which made her moan softly in pleasure. Sinking back into the bed she snuggled under the covers wondering when her bed had become this comfortable before closing her eyes to sleep in. A moment later they sprang open. This was not her bed.

All the events of the past night came flooding back to her in a rush of emotion that left her slightly breathless and blushing. Very carefully and slowly she turned her head to look over her shoulder and was met with the image of Ridian's back. He'd turned over in the night and his shoulders now rose up and down as he snored lightly still deep in sleep.

Carla sighed in relief, a blush still hot upon her cheeks. Embarrassment flowed through her in a steady stream causing her heart beat to speed up. I have to get out of here, she thought. I'll call him later. I'm sure he'll understand.

Very carefully and slower than a sloth Carla began to inch the cream colored covers off of her and slide her body towards the edge of the bed. She picked up his shirt and slipped it over her naked body, pulling back on the pair of discarded lace underwear at the foot of the bed. Right when she was at the edge of the bed a voice rang out from behind her.

"Good morning cupcake,".

At the sound of her nickname annoyance rang through her and she spun around declaring hotly, "I told you not to call me that!" before crossing her arms in a pout.

When she realized what she'd just done she blushed a red that reached from her ears to her scalp, painting her face the color of a fresh tomato. Ridian was lying on his side propped up on his left elbow as he stared smirking at her.

His hair was ruffled and messy but still super cute. His shirt was gone somewhere on the floor and his six pack was fully visible, well defined and tanned to perfection. Carla's eyes widened as she took it all in and thought about the circus train wreck she must look like having slept in her makeup.

"Hi," she said shyly. "I'm going to go to the bathroom real quick," and before Ridian could respond she leaped out of the bed and ran out the room, down the long hallway and into the bathroom shutting the door firmly behind her before locking it. Carla leaned her back against the door as she let out a sigh of relief at having avoided an awkward situation. Stepping in front of the mirror she gasped.

Her face looked like a rejected clown who'd just drowned in the river before being run over by its own car a few hundred times. Her hair was a birds nest that even birds would avoid and she was scared to touch the giant thing lest it come to life and attack her. She sniffed herself and immediately reared back eyes watering at the overpowering smell of sweat from dancing and alcohol from all the people who'd been drinking that still lingered on her.

This is fucking gross, she thought.

Immediately she set to work trying hard not to think about what Ridian had thought when he'd seen her. Thankfully she remembered that Sam had left her an emergency girls package under the sink in case she'd have to change clothes or something. She opened up the bag to find a change of clothes, honey vanilla body wash, strawberry shampoo and conditioner, a razor, a toothbrush, an underwear and push up bra and some socks as well as a brush and the base materials for a good makeup job.

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