{Chapter 25}

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Bonjour!(Oui, Oui mon ami, je t'aime haha)

I've been starting to pick up the pace on my updates but don't expect this to become the norm hehe I just have a LOT of free time lately:) The few friends who I made read this book are chewing me out for what's been going on but I want to know what you other readers think. Comment and vote please! ^_^

Enjoy lovelies!

Carla woke up to a dark room. Her shades were drawn hiding the peaking sun just beginning to rise and announce the new day. She blinked a little to get used to being awake before flipping on her back and resting her arms atop her cool covers. She stared up at her ceiling and was met with the sight of a neon green constellation. 

Her father had put up glow in the dark stars for her when she was little since she'd been scared of the dark. She'd kept them after his death as a memory but since he wasn't dead she clearly didn't need them anymore.

Her usually bright green eyes that hid the darkness underneath were now fully open and letting everything hidden show. They were dark, sad and broken; exactly how Carla felt. Thinking over the events of the past two months she sighed in frustration. It had only been two months since Ridian had come into her life and so much shit was fucked up now, not all of it his fault but still.

She'd fallen in love then was courted by a completely different person and made more friends than she thought possible before doing some weird ass competition game and finding out the love was mutual. Then she partied on Halloween and had sex with that same person waking up the next day with a positive outlook on life. That was quickly ruined.

She fell in a goddamn frozen lake to wake up to the sight of her brother who she hadn't seen in five years. Come to find out he left her because he couldn't emotionally deal with a selfish lying father but she had to deal with an abusive mother. And her boyfriend of two days wanted to lie to her so she fell right back out of love. Carla didn't think to hard about the truthfulness of that last statement and instead pushed back her covers sitting up.

It was now Thursday and she had to go to school. She almost hoped her mom was home and drunk off her ass so she could pretend to call in sick and stay home. Being a punching bag seemed like a better future then what awaited her at school. Too bad her mother had never come back home last night after giving her those pills. Sighing Carla slid off her queen sized canopy bed and onto her cream carpeted floor padding barefoot into the bathroom inside her room.

As she turned on the light and faced the mirror she was met with a horrid but unsurprising sight. Her cheeks were gaunt and hollowed looking while several bags layered thick and black underneath her eyes. Her lips were colorless, dry and chapped while her hair hung limply and lifeless around her shoulders. Her whole complexion overall was pale and her figure was too skinny to be considered healthy. 

I'm gonna need a lot of makeup, she thought tiredly.

Half an hour later she was finished. She'd showered to wash her hair and give some blush to her skin from the heat as well as massage sore muscles. After wards Carla blow dried her hair so it flowed softly and airily around her face hiding some of the shallowness in her cheekbones and taking away from the haggard look.

One bottle of concealer later and her face was even, smooth and a beautiful caramel tone. A little bruiser and gloss helped give volume and color to her lips and she was done. She couldn't bring herself to change the look of utter defeat that had settled in her eyes. She was too tired.

Exiting the bathroom Carla slowly walked over to her walk-in closet pulling out a pair of gray skinnies and some oversized dark green flannel and a white tee. She slid into a pair of black moccasins that were lined with soft white fur and topped it off with a matching black SnapBack that had the phrase "Yes, I Am That Awesome" scrawled across it in white lettering. Satisfied she grabbed her school bag from her desk chair and went downstairs to the kitchen.

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