{Chapter 31}

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cześć! (That's hello in Polish for all my sausage loving friends.)

Soooo what did you guys think? Do you think that he will forgive her? Save her? Be disgusted by her? How will Carla deal with the emotional shock? Did you guys see any of that coming eventually? This chapter is a little longer to make up for how short the other one was. Vote and comment please ^_^

Well enjoy it my lovelies!


Everything was frozen. Time seemed to standstill and the air itself seemed not to move. No oxygen flowed in and out of lungs, no rustle of cloth against skin as limbs moved, no pounding of a heartbeat to let you know you're alive; just silence. And then, suddenly, sound.

It came roaring back fast and furious as it flowed into Carla's ears. Her staggered gasps of shock and fear as they raced in and out of her lungs. The war drum that was her heartbeat beating against the iron cage of her ribs, trying to escape from her body. 

A loud scream from her best friend that was filled with equally as much horror as her eyes when they took in the scene before her. And finally, the whispered sound of her name as it left Ridians lips. Filled with so much pain it tore at her on the inside.

Suddenly Danny was off her and being held up against the wall by his neck as Peter pounded his face in. He was in a blind rage of fury and Danny was receiving the full force of it. His muffled screams soon morphed into whines of despair as his lips became too swollen and busted to formulate words. Peter's eyes were black and there was no sign that he was letting go anytime soon as his grip tightened around Danny's neck and his knuckles turned white as he strangled him.

Sam shakily walked back into the room as she'd had to throw up out of disgust and fled the room for a moment. Taking in a deep breath she closed her eyes for a moment trying to calm herself. Carla was still laying immobilized on the ground as if she'd been tranquilized. Not moving, not breathing, not blinking, trying as hard as she could to not exist because it hurt too much. When Sam finally opened her eyes they were hard with determination and fury.

She stalked over to where Ridian was frozen in shock and horror and slapped him out of it. He blinked a few times before turning towards her, eyes full of tears. She attempted to give him a sympathetic smile but instead just kind of gave him a grimace and pushed him towards where Carla was still laying on the ground shoving a blanket in his hands. He still looked a little lost and confused so she snatched it from him and gently covered Carla's abused body and lead him down towards her, placing her hand in his.

Then she walked over to where Peter had almost killed Danny and ripped his hands off of Danny's throat, pushing him backwards a couple steps and taking Danny down from up on the wall so he hung at an awkward angle towards the floor from her grip on his upper arm. Peter huffed like a raging bull and tried to lunge at Danny again but Sam held him back with one arm. For such a little girl she had a surprising amount of strength.

"Let me go Sam," Peter finally spat out between gritted teeth, momentarily taking his murderous eyes off of Danny to rest on Sam's emotionless expression.

"No," she stated simply.

"Why not?!" Peter growled out, still pushing against her hand.

"Because if you kill him then you are the one going to jail, not him and then while you're behind bars he's going to be here with Carla. Then what? How will she cope? Who will protect her then? Surely you don't mean me because I will probably be in there with you as an accomplice, guilty by association. And frankly I don't think Ridian will be of much help, he looks shattered," She said sadly looking over he shoulder to where Carla was now sobbing into his arms. 

Miracles In DecemberDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora