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"Let's just think about this" Spencer outbursts. "There's 6 of us to keep a look out tonight for anyone we don't recognise or who looks suspicious. Plus Ezra and Caleb."

"And Mike" I interject.

"Don't tell Mike" Ali snaps. "He'll tell Mona and we all know she played the A game first. We can't trust her."

"Fine. I won't" I shrug. "Plus, one of us will probably open the door so we'll see who comes in and who leaves"

"Yeah. It's going to be fine. We have nothing to worry about." Emily says, lifting all our spirits. The doorbell goes again making us all jump out of our skin, putting us all on edge.

"Should I?" I say closing the database and then shutting off the laptop. Aria nods, takes a deep breath and then starts her music playlist which blasts out Hanna's speakers. I climb out of the chair and make my way over to the door. I cautiously open the door to reveal Mona stood in front of me.

"Oh hey mini Spencer" She beams innocently, clasping her hands in front of her swaying from side to side.

"Hey Mona" I say with as much fake happiness as I can possibly muster. "You're early"

"I wanted to see my boyfriend for a bit before hand" She says with a sickening grin.

"Coolio" I say swinging the door open wider so that she can strut into the living room. Mike comes running down the stairs seconds later and kisses Mona on the temple. "So I'm gonna go see if Aria needs any help"

"Bye Spencer" Mona smiles whilst in Mike's arms.

"It's Mackenzie" I groan walking away from her into the kitchen.

"What is her problem?" Ali says looking over in my previous direction, her arms folded across her chest with a stone cold glare.

"It's nothing" I shrug as the doorbell goes again. Mike opens the door and a wave of people wash into the house. "Let's get this party started"


"Spence?" I say walking over to my sister as she runs her fingers through the ends of her hair, thinking. "Do you want me to take over on 'A watch'?"

"That isn't what I was doing"

"Sure, you're just stood at the top of the stairs looking out over the entire ground floor for no reason" I laugh. "Plus, you aren't doing a very good job because you didn't see who just walked in"

"Who?" Spencer says snapping her gaze away from Lucas Gottesman and looking to the door. "Toby?" She says immediately walking away from me towards Officer Cavanaugh. I sit on the top step as I watch everyone having a good time. Emily dances with Paige, Spencer laughs at Toby, Hanna talks with Caleb, Aria smiles up at Ezra and even Ali has found a boy to dance with as a slow song plays through the house.

"Is this seat taken?" I hear as a figure sits next to me.

"No, go crazy" I shrug at the boy next to me.

"So what's a beautiful girl like you doing all alone?"

"I'm just people watching."

"So what have you observed so far then?"

"Well, that boy likes Alison DiLaurentis a lot more than she likes him." I laugh. "Also, Lucas is really struggling to keep with the beat of just about every song that plays" I say watching him sway side to side much quicker than the pace of the song should allow. "And Mona Vanderwaal hasn't left Mike's side since she got here" I look at my phone. "3 hours ago."

"Well that's a pretty good representation of this party" The boy smiles. "I'm Connor by the way"

"Mackenzie" I smile back. "Wait Connor? As is Mike's lacrosse team member Connor?"

"That's me" He smiles. "And you're Mackenzie Hastings right?"

"Unfortunately" I laugh.

"I heard you're joining Rosewood High next semester?"

"Unfortunately" I repeat.

"How come you stopped going to boarding school?"

"I'm not entirely sure, I only got back like a month ago. I guess things kinda calmed down around here"

"Rosewood sure hasn't been the ideal suburban town it's made out to be recently." Connor smiles brightly. "So do you want to go and talk somewhere a little quieter?" He asks out of the blue.

"I think I should probably stay here" I shrug.

"Oh come on! I know the perfect place" He smiles, drawing me in with his perfect grin. If Mike trusts him then I should too right?

"Fine" I smile in response, standing up and following him out of the door. We walk through the woods for a few minutes until we come to a small clearing with one large rock in the middle. I know where we are. I know exactly where we are and exactly why we're here.

"Have you been here before?" Connor asks. I can just about make out him sitting on the rock in the darkness.

"The kissing rock?" I question.

"I hear that's what people around town call it"

"Yeah, I've been here" I tell him. I've also seen the video of Alison and Ian here. I can't believe that monster was my brother-in-law; even if I did never actually meet him. I think Spence knew him enough for the both of us if you catch my drift.

"So you know what happens here?"

"Yeah" I say slowly, uneasily. I'm not stupid- it's not called the kissing rock for no reason. Before Connor has the chance to say anything in return his phone starts to ring and he immediately answers it.

"Hey" He says to the person on the other line. "Hang on, I can't hear you I'll go get some service" He says standing up. He holds a finger up to me is if to say 'I'll be back in a minute' and then disappears into the darkness. I'm left alone stood in the middle of the woods with no idea of how to get back- the last time I came here I was 13 and now I'm 16 so you can't really blame me. I sit down on the rock, putting my hands in something wet. I rub my hands on my shirt in disgust and jump back up from the rock. That wasn't there when Connor sat down was it?

Several minutes later, Connor still hasn't returned. I pull out my phone and start to call Spencer- no service. It's 11:56pm. Why the hell did I agree to come here? I've officially been ditched. I hear footsteps to my left and I quickly get goose bumps all over my skin.

"Hello?" I call out. If this is the end then I had a pretty good run I suppose. "Is there someone out there?" I try. "Connor?" I plea. I start to run towards the sound of the footsteps. I see a beam of light shine in my direction followed by another crunch of the woodland floor.

"Kenz?" I hear a familiar voice call out.


"Rosewood PD freeze" I hear another voice shout as more flashlight rays shine around me. I'm soon circled by members of Rosewood's finest all pointing their guns at me. What? I look to Toby for some indication of what is going on. "Mackenzie Hastings you're under arrest for the disappearance of Sarah Harvey"

"Who? What?" I say putting my hands behind my back as Toby clips me into handcuffs. "Toby what's happening?"

"You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you say may be given in evidence." The first officer says as Toby leads me out of the woods.

"Can you call my parents? There has to be some kind of mistake." I plea.

"I'll do what I can" Toby whispers as we break out into the open road once again. We pass Aria's house as Spencer runs out alongside Hanna, Emily and Alison to see what all the commotion is about. I look at them with confusion and fear all in one. Who is Sara Harvey and why am I being blamed for her disappearance. I'm pushed into the police car and I look out of the window at dispair at my older sister. She holds her fingers up in the shape of an A and then gives a short shrug. Of course. It has to be.

A really is back for good this time.

A is out for my blood.

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