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"So after all of this is over do you think you'll date Mike?" Spencer asks.

"That's the least of my worries right now" I shrug. "Plus, I don't see this ever being completely over. Just as you think it's over A comes back and practically smacks you in the face with the fact that A runs all of your lives and now apparently mine too."

"Then we won't stop fighting A until I see them dead and buried 6 foot under." She smiles. "Don't get worried about this. We're all here for you and you're completely innocent."

"I'm not worried. I never get nervous Spencer, you know that." I shrug. "Well apart from when I get pulled into the police station for questioning and they don't tell me what I've done."

"Yeah, that does suck" She smirks. "But hey, it's an experience we both share."

"It runs in the family" I tell her making her laugh. For a second it makes us both forget what we're actually out for. "I feel sorry for Melissa's baby"

"If she even has it that is" Spencer mutters.

"I'll pretend I didn't hear that" I say looking out the window as we drive through town. I watch as a tall figure stumbles their way along the path. I squint to get a better look at the person. I'm so used to being around teenage girls that it's kind of interesting to watch other people go about their daily business. I watch as the figure stumbles and then crashes to the floor. "Is that Jason?"

"What?" Spencer says trying to look but also trying to concentrate on the road ahead.

"That's definitely Jason" I say as the person sits up to face us. Spencer slows down so that I can get a better look. "Pull over a second" I say as she moves towards the curb. She comes to a stop and I quickly climb out.

"Hey Spencer" Jason says as he sees me coming. Everyone has been calling me Spencer since I got back. I've gotten so used to it that I now respond to the name Spencer when I'm not even being spoken to.

"Hey Jase" I say softly. "Let's get you home shall we?"

"I think that's a good idea" He says as I reach down to help him up. He wraps an arm around my shoulder as I walk him to the car where Spencer is sat in the drivers seat still. "Woah I think I'm worse off that I thought I was. I'm seeing two Spencers." He says before passing out in the back seat.

"Maybe we should drop him off quickly." I say looking at my phone. We're really early because Hastings are always prepared so we have time to kill.

"You're so caring all the time. I don't know how you do it" Spencer laughs as she turns the car around.

"Wait, maybe I shouldn't go with you" I say making her stop the vehicle. "I mean, what if mom sees your car go past and goes out to see what's happening? If she sees me then she'll lock me away for the rest of my life."

"Fine. Go to the Brew. I'll watch you go in from here and then I'll take Jason back."

"You better get back before Hanna after you said what you did"

"Whatever" Spencer laughs, gripping the steering wheel. She knows I'm right. I climb out of the car and run across the road into the Brew. I shut the door behind me and look out of the window to see Spencer driving away.

"Spencer? Is that you?" I hear a voice say. I turn quickly to see a blonde lady about 25 years old stood in front of me dressed head to toe in designer clothes. She looks exactly like Ali but just a few years older. I snap on a smile and advance towards her.

"No, I'm her younger sister actually" I say softly.

"Oh Mackenzie?" The woman exclaims. "I'm CeCe. A friend of Alison DiLaurentis."

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