twenty eight

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By the time we arrive back at my house dinner is already being served. We follow the smell of freshly cooked beef to the dining room that rarely gets used. My eyes widen as I see everyone who is at before me. Spencer, Toby, Melissa, Wren, mom and dad. Hanna, Caleb, Mrs Marin and Father Ted. Aria, Ezra, Ella and Byron. Emily, Paige and Mrs Fields. Alison, Jason, Mr and Mrs DiLaurentis. Yes, we have a very, very large dinner table.

"I didn't realise we were having a dinner party" I say looking down at my clothes.

"It was a spur of the moment thing. Everyone bought a dish so there's plenty to go round." Mom smiles at me. "Honey, why don't you go get changed? Anything you want." She says solemnly. I grin and give a nod before running upstairs to my newly restored bedroom. Melissa moved all the crap into her own room like she should have done in the first place and now everything is rightfully where it belongs. I haven't spent a night in here alone yet. It all seems too familiar. Hanna told me that she's ripping her whole room out and redecorating it completely. Maybe I can convince mom to let me do it too. I pull out a pink mid-thigh cut dress with small spaghetti straps that Spencer and Hanna bought me for when I got out of prison. I throw it on, letting my hair dangle down my back. It looks as good as it can considering- well, you know. Maybe this is pushing it too far?

"You look stunning" I hear Mike's voice behind me. I turn quickly to see him leant against the doorframe, branding at me.

"It's not pushing it?" I ponder.

"The only thing it's pushing is those DDs of yours" He says with a laugh. I feel myself blush as I turn away from him. Seconds later I feel his arms snake around my waist as his torso hits my back. "Don't worry about it. You look gorgeous." He says in a low voice. I feel his breath graze against my bare skin on my shoulders as I look in the mirror.  I tighten my grip on his arms as he holds me close to him. He bobs his head, pressing his lips to my scars lining my shoulder blade. He moves onto the next one and the next one. I spin around in his arms to face me. "Absolutely stunning, you know that righ-"

"Shut up and kiss me you dork" I smile leaning up and closing my eyes. About freaking time! Our lips move in sync as his hands grip my waist a little too tightly. I wince ever so slightly but he still notices. He lets go immediately, breaking the kiss harshly.

"Shit, sorry Kenz" He says embarrassed. "That's not how I imagined that going." He looks to the ground.

"Hey" I say softly, lifting his chin with my index finger. "It's a good kind of pain."

"I'm really sorry. I just got caught up in the moment and I forgot and-" I cut him off by kissing him once more. I can't believe that this is happening.

"Kenz" I hear Spencer's voice. "Hurry up" She yells from downstairs.

"I'm coming" I yell back. Looks like things are coming back to normal.

"We should go" Mike smiles down on me.

"Yeah" I say with a small smile. I take his hand and drag him downstairs. We sit with our families in our designated spots.

"Mackenzie, you look great" Father Ted smiles across the table from me.

"Thanks Father Ted" I beam. I look down at myself, inspecting my fresh scars.

"Kenzie, can you pass the carrots?" Melissa says in her best fake friendly voice. She's trying to make herself seem perfect in front of all our guests. I roll my eyes and reach forward for the bowl as my arm collides with Hanna's long nails. She pulls back quickly, waiting for a reaction. She made hard contact with one of my more poorly healing scars but I feel nothing. At least I haven't lost my 'congenital insensitivity to pain'. I look at her and smile before passing the bowl to my sister. Everyone seems to let out a sigh of relief as the conversations resume as normal.

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