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I've been kept in custody for almost 24 hours now. Both of my parents are away on business and had to drop everything to get here- obviously they didn't rush because I've been starting to feel like a prisoner. The officers made me change into a hospital gown so that they could take my clothes for testing and this was 'all they had'. Because I'm a minor, they can't talk to me until a legal guardian is present which I knew would happen. There's a knock on the door before it opens quickly.

"Hey Kenz" I see Toby smile sympathetically.

"Are my parents here?"

"Not yet but Spencer is sat outside waiting. She brought you these and I told her that I'd slip them into you." He says holding out a black sweatshirt and black tracksuit bottoms. I take them from him and place them next to me.

"Toby how long am I going to be in here for?" I say looking round at the four plain walls.

"As soon as one of your parents gets here then you'll be taken for questioning"

"This sucks" I groan bouncing up and down on the thin mattress that is kept in one corner of the room.

"I know but you should be out soon. Your parents are the best lawyers in town. I should know." My mom was hired after 'the Jenna thing' for the opposing team thus sending Toby to jail. It wasn't even his fault and practically the whole town knew it- everyone was afraid of Alison at the time.

"Yeah" I say awkwardly. "Sorry about that"

"Don't be" He smiles. "You had nothing to do with it"


"Look, I should go" He says turning towards the door. "Hang tight, it won't be long."

"Thanks Toby" I smile as he leaves the room. I'm not that used to Toby seeing as I just got here and when I used to live here he was considered as a bit of a weirdo. He seems to be nice enough- he's nice to Spencer so that's all I care about.

I quickly change into the clothes and then sit back on the mattress. I'm nervous about the questioning. I know I shouldn't be because I haven't done anything wrong and I've never even heard of a Sara Harvey. There's another knock on the door. I stand up as my mother rushes into the room. She engulfs me in her arms as I awkwardly wrap my arms around her- Hastings don't hug.

"It's going to be okay" She assures me.

"Can we just get this over with?" I groan. "I've been here for hours"

"Yes.  Let's go." She says as an officer enters the room and handcuffs my hands in front of me once again. I'm lead to a small room with nothing but a desk, 3 chairs and a recording machine. Oh and not to mention the one way glass where there's bound to be at least 3 cops watching me.

"Please state your full name, age and current place of residence" The detective opposite me orders.

"Mackenzie Hastings, 16, 23 Bridgewater Terrace." I state.

"Where were you on the night of September 2nd 3 years ago?" He asks me.

"Holbrook, how is she supposed to remember exactly where she was when she was 13? 3 years ago?" My mother interjects.

"Mrs Hastings, please let your daughter answer"

"I don't know" I shrug. "At home?"

"Is that the truth?"

"Probably. I spend a lot of time at home. Considering that was the day after my friend went missing my mind was kind of pre occupied" I try. I honestly can't remember anything from that period of time. All I know is Alison went missing and didn't come back for 2 years.

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