twenty six

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"Mackenzie please wake up" I hear Mike's loving voice. His hand grips my hand tightly. My eyes flutter open as he squeezes even tighter. The first thing I see is his worried face towering over me.

"Where am I?"

"You're in the hospital" He informs me. "Let me get a doctor"

"Mike wait-" I tell him. "Did it all really happen?"

"We don't know what happened to you in there but yes, it's really happened."

"Urgh. I guess you've seen the damage then?"

"Only the scars on your arms, and legs" He says sadly. I lift up my arms to see fresh stitches that actually look like they're going to heal me.

"Mackenzie! You're awake" A man in a white jacket announces as he enters the room.

"Yeah" I respond because I don't know what else to say. He picks up the clip board attached to my bed. He frowns slightly. "So what's the damage?"

"Maybe we should wait until your parents get here."

"I don't want to wait. I don't want to have to fake being okay." I say before I realise what I'm saying.

"Just give it to her straight. Don't sugarcoat it- she's begging you" Mike reads my mind.

"Well you've lost a lot of blood so we had to give you an immediate blood transfusion-"

"But my blood type is O" I state. I know they always have a shortage of O blood bags.

"Your half brother, Jason, was a match." He tells me. "He basically saved your life"

"He did?" I say in shock. I've never been very close with Jason- Melissa went to school with him and Spencer was always at his house. I on the other hand was on the other side of the world- I've barely ever spoken to him.

"He told me to tell you that he owed you one for the other night" The doctor shrugs. He's referring to the time Spencer and I helped our drunken mess of a half brother home.

"What else?" Mike asks on my behalf.

"Luckily someone sewed up your wounds so they didn't get as infected as they could have been. Some of the older ones were starting to become infected but we caught it quick enough."

"Will the scars last forever?" I ask.

"It's unlikely that they'll completely disappear but they'll fade over a couple of years."

"What about the pipe?" Mike asks. I literally don't have to say anything.

"That's the thing. The metal pierced through a section of your womb."

"What does that mean?"

"I think we should wait for your parents" He looks to the door uneasily.

"Please" I beg him.

"Mackenzie, you'll never be able to have children." He states. I feel my heart drop as the words slip out of his mouth. I sort of knew this was coming. "We had to perform an immediate hysterectomy."

Mike squeezes my hand once again. He looks at me worried. I smile meekly at him.

"I'll break the news to your parents" He assures me. I nod as he brushes a strand of hair out of my face. The doctor says his goodbyes before leaving the room.

"It's weird" I say more to myself than to Mike. "I've never ever thought about my future and having kids but now I know that I can't have them I want it more than anything."

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