twenty two

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A loud beep disturbs my gentle rocking back and forth to the rhythm of the chants in my head. Kill the pig. Cut her throat. Spill her blood. Kill the bitch. Cut her throat. Spill her blood. (A being the bitch that is) Lord of the flies- the book I read for advanced English in 8th grade. The words seem so relevant right now. The boys all go crazy when left to their own devices. That's what's happening to me.

I look up at the door as I sit cross-legged facing the concrete closet. One of A's minions stands above me. He wraps his hands over my arms and lifts me up with ease. I feel bruises forming on my protein deprived upper arms as he drags me through the corridors. As we approach a door that looks exactly like the one I've been staring at for the past week, A's minion stops in his tracks. I can tell this guy is just one of A's followers- he's the brawn, not the brains. Mike. The man in black grabs my face harshly and tilts it towards the camera that hangs above the door. I avoid eye contact as the door flings open and I'm shoved inside. The cold metal barrier slams shut as a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling starts to fill the room with a warm, golden glow.

I see a chair and a metal table that certainly looks like it's from Rosewood PD's interrogation rooms- I should know, I've spent enough time there haven't I? I sit down on the chair as I look at the four switches ahead of me and the pictures attached. Spencer, Aria, Hanna and Emily shy away from the camera before me. Spencer has a black eye and Aria's hair is significantly shorter than before. A loud piercing shriek sounds around me making me flinch.

"Welcome. Willkommen. Bienvenido." The all too familiar voice sounds. A bright light shines onto the wall in front of me. A tall burly man stands before me.

"Flick a switch for a nasty surprise. Kisses- A" I read aloud.

A piercing buzz fills my ears making me cup my ears with my frail hands. I watch as the person before me doesn't flinch at all. A light beams down from the ceiling onto each of the pictures before me. I lean forward on the table as 3 more buzzes fill the room. A takes a step forward. The light shining on A's message intensifies urging me to make a decision. How can I pick someone for a surprise when I don't even know what it is?

"No" I say slamming my hands on the table. Another piercing shriek follows, deafening me once again. "I'm not playing your stupid game A!" I stand up. I head to the door. Before I can even reach the cold metal handle, a firm grip grabs me by my shrinking hips. I can't remember the last time I ate an actual meal that wasn't rotting and didn't make me throw up seconds later. A throws my down on the chair again. "Whatever this nasty surprise is- pick me not them. I choose myself."

I watch as A stands inches away from me. I hear a knife scraping against metal as the lights go out completely. I feel my shirt being lifted and a knife entering my body. It doesn't hurt. I sit there, confused. The knife is drawn out as I touch my side, my hand becomes wet within seconds. I feel myself becoming faint as my skin is pierced again. I swear I feel the tip of the knife rubbing against my organs but it has to be a figure of my imagination. I feel myself getting fainter and fainter until I can't keep my eyes open any more. I clutch my wounds as I black out completely.

I wake up in a soaked bed. I take a few seconds to gather my thoughts and make out my surroundings. I'm back in my bedroom. How did I get here? Was this all a dream? Please let this be a dream. I touch my side, wincing as my fingers touch the frayed skin. I listen as the door slides open and a tray is pushed through the hole. A blue cloth covers the contents. I drag myself over the gift. I lift the cover cautiously- I wouldn't be at all surprised if creepy crawlies scuttle across the room at any second.

I look at the bright purple medical thread that sits next to a glass of water. I take a sip of the water cautiously only to find that it's not water; it's some kind of alcohol. It soon clicks in my head that this is to clean and sew up my wounds. Oh how I'd love to rebel against A once again- that didn't exactly turn out well the first time and I can't afford to lose my life because of my stupidity. I douse myself in the alcohol, letting out a piercing scream at the extreme pain I'm currently in. I've never felt pain before and if this is what it's like all the time then I'm counting my condition as a gift. I inexpertly apply my sewing lessons from grandma Hastings as I push the lose pieces of skin together and hold them in place with the hideously bright thread. I don't know how I'm not already dead but I'll count my lucky stars that I'm not.

I count a total of 7 points of entry with the evidently recently sharpened knife. I pull my too-small, blood soaked t-shirt back over myself as the door lifts again. This time a fresh outfit and some actually edible food appear in front of me. I wince in pain slightly as I lunge for the new arrivals. I down the food in a mere 20 seconds and throw the new clothes on, leaving them on the empty tray. Something compels me to turn the tray over so I do before my brain even knows what's happening.

"Mackenzie Hastings- the martyr of the group. Don't get too comfortable now-the rest of my pretty little dollies still need their playtime. -A"

A's going to be the death of me.

A won't keep me here forever. Will they?

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