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I wake up to the sounds of cars passing by. I open my eyes, immediately being blinded by sunlight bursting through the trees above me. Where am I? I sit up, immediately clutching me head which feels like it's been hit by a train. I look around. I'm at the edge of a road. I watch as a very official looking can passes by. It takes me a few seconds to realise what the writing on the side says. 'Rosewood Police Department'. It suddenly hits me; today is the day that Spencer, Aria, Emily and Hanna are being transferred. I try to gather my thoughts as I survey my surroundings. Without warning, a loud bang disturbs my thoughts. I swivel round in the rustling leaves below me to see the source of the sound.

All I see is a cloud of smoke in the path of where the van would be. I stand up and start to walk towards the smoke to get a better look. I weave my way through the trees keeping out of sight. I make my way level to the stationary truck. I stay hidden behind a thick tree trunk as I peer around to see what's going on.

A figure dressed all in black stands behind the van, grasping some kind of cannon in it's big hands. The doors of the van are forced open and I can just about make out an unconscious driver in the front seat. Unexpectedly, a second figure dressed in black appears next to the initial attacker. This new A team member is a lot shorter and a lot more feminine looking. They both climb into the van, seconds later dragging out 2 girls in orange jumpsuits. One has wavy, blonde hair and the other has long dark, wavy hair. Hanna and Emily. I cover my mouth before I can make even a whimper of noise at the sight before me. The girls both look so limp and helpless as they're thrown onto the floor. Moments later, Aria and Spencer flop next to their friends. I gasp at the sight of my sister unconscious. I immediately hide behind the tree and wait for a few seconds until I think the coast will be clear to look again. I turn back to see that the van has been abandoned and there's no one around to be seen. The bodies have disappeared and the 2 A's have left the scene.

I step out into view and start to warily walk toward the van. I make my way to the driver to see that the driver is slowly regaining consciousness. I have to get out of here before any one sees me. I turn back on myself to be stopped short. A stands right in front of me. I look down to see a bat gripped in A's left hand. I have no where to run.

"Fancy seeing you here" I say with a slight laugh. If this is the end then I had a good run right? I guess I didn't want to die having Mike mad at me but if this is it then he'll have to forgive me sooner or later.

A lifts their arm and I know what's going to happen. I freeze on the spot. I feel a hard knock on my head as my legs give way and my vision blackens.


I regain consciousness in a room that smells like a dentist's office. I can't open my eyes. I can't move my arms or my legs. I can't wiggle my toes or my fingers. I listen carefully to my surroundings. I can slightly hear what sounds like cars driving above me. What time is it? What day is it?

"Welcome. Willkommen. Bienvenido." A voice booms through the room over a speaker. English, German, Spanish. It sounds as if I'm in a hotel or something. That would be wishful thinking.

Unwillingly, my eyes flutter open. A bright white light startles me but as my eyes adjust I can make out the brilliant white ceiling. I start to feel a cold surface beneath me and a thin sheet covering my very naked body. I finally regain the use of my limbs and shoot up to look around. I'm in a surgical room. I look down; I'm sat on a cold metal tray covered in a blue operating sheet. I quickly look under the sheet to check myself over.

"Well at least my organs haven't been harvested" I mutter to myself. A loud beep fills my ear ways and a lock on the door unlocks. I scramble off of my tray, wrapping myself in the sheet. I burst through the open door. I look around. On the floors are painted, glow in the dark arrows. I consciously follow the arrows which lead me to a door. I open the door warily and take a step inside just as the lights flick on.

What stands before me is beyond weird. It's as if I'm standing in my own bedroom. Everything is exactly the same as it is at home; or was before Melissa threw me out. I take a few more steps into the room as the door slams shut behind me. I frantically turn the doorknob trying to get out. The lock won't budge. I make my way over to the window. It stands in front of a concreted wall. I try the closet- same problem. I'm locked in here. I'm trapped.

I sit on the edge of my bed, taking in my surroundings. Now that I've had a closer look, not everything is exactly the same. The chair in the corner has 6 legs instead of 4, the pillows on the bed are slightly less expensive as the ones back home and the clock above the chair, next to the window is bronze instead of silver. I guess A doesn't know me as well as they think they do.

The slot at the bottom of the door slides open and a blue vacuum bag slides through into the middle of the room.

"Hello?" I call to the person on the other door. "Is someone out there?" I ask as the slot starts to close. The person behind hesitates before slamming and locking the compartment shut. I scurry over to the bag and open it. Inside is a very familiar outfit- my boarding school uniform. A note is also attached to the blazer. I rip it off and begin to read it a loud to myself.

"Fancy seeing you here Mackenzie. Put this on and you'll get to see your sister. If she survives the experiment. Kisses- A"

I sit back on the bed one again, clutching the note in my hand. A kidnapped Spence, Aria, Em and Hanna so they have to be here too. But I don't understand. A didn't know I was going to be there, watching. Yet A has this room ready for me, waiting for me.

A was waiting for me.

A wanted me all along.

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