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Spencer's POV

A's won. A's really won. We thought it was game over all this time but now A has really shown that he is in control. He's taken my little sister away from me.

I pace back and forth waiting for dad to get back. Mom just got back from work and she's also freaking out. She's annoyed at Mackenzie- She'd never admit it but I see straight through her. She's mad that Mackenzie has been arrested again and has ruined her perfect reputation again. It took her months to rebuild it after my arrest and she still hasn't completely forgiven me for it. I didn't even do anything; neither did Kenzie.

The front door slams shut and my father walks into the door, slamming his briefcase on the table. He paces back and forth for a few seconds as Mom and I just stare at him, waiting. He goes to the fridge and pulls out half a bottle of wine, downing it in 30 seconds. This isn't good.

"She's gone" He mutters, running his hands through his hair. "She's been put in prison"

"What?" I exclaim, rushing towards him.

"She wanted me to tell you to go visit her" He says gripping onto my arms looking at me frantically. "And about the video evidence they have"

"V-video evidence?" I stutter. They can't have video evidence because it didn't happen. I sit on the kitchen stool in disbelief as my father tells me exactly what the video showed. "That can't be true" I shake my head at the thought. A 13 year old could not kidnap a girl and hold her hostage for 3 years. Mackenzie was away at boarding school pretty much the whole time that both Sara and Alison were missing. How could she keep something like that to herself? She couldn't that's why. Kenzie was the scrawniest little kid I've ever seen in my life, how on Earth could she drag a body through the woods at 11pm?

"Can you do her a favour?" Dad says as I try to wrap my brain around the idea of my sister being a murderer. I'm used to the fact that Melissa buried Bethany Young alive but Mackenzie? She wouldn't hurt a fly. Okay yes, she did cut a girl's ponytail off but that's the only bad thing she's ever done in her whole life.

"Anything" I say.

"Tell Mike that he can't go visit her"

"What? I can't do that!" I exclaim. I do not want to be the one to tell Mike that not only his best friend has been falsely arrested but also that he can't go see her. If her trial goes badly and she's found guilty then she's going to be inside for 50 years. She'll be 66 by the time she gets out. I'll be 68!

"Call Aria or something." Dad shrugs. "Please Spencer. It's the only thing she wanted."

"Fine" I groan. "I'll be back later" I say scooping my keys off of the table and storming out of the house. I quickly text an S.O.S to Aria, Hanna and Emily telling them to meet at Aria's and then get in my car and drive.


"She what?" Hanna exclaims.

"Don't make me say it again" I groan.

"I can't believe this" Emily says shaking her head in disbelief.

"Things just went from worse to worser" Hanna says sitting on Aria's bed.

"That's not a word, but continue" I tell her.

"What are we going to do?" Aria says.

"There's nothing we can do. All the evidence is against her." I say, sadness in my voice. I don't want to cry but I can feel the tears coming. Once they're out then I won't be able to stop.

"Spencer. We will find something. We'll help her." Emily assures me. She'd do the exact same thing for all of us."

"We threw her right into A's firing line" Aria shrugs. "We owe her."

"Thanks guys" I say flopping onto Aria's bed. "Aria?"

"Yeah Spence?" She says sitting next to me, running her fingers through the ends of my hair as I look up at her.

"She doesn't want Mike to go see her." I say closing my eyes, waiting for the blow out.

"I get it" Hanna replies. I sit up quickly to look at her. Hanna doesn't get much. "When my mom was in jail she told me that she didn't want me to see her like that. She looked so drained all the time. Kenz just doesn't want her best friend to see her as she breaks more and more everyday."

"Wow Han" I say shocked.

"I know. I'm smart." She flicks her hair as if she doesn't have a care in the world.

"Shall I get Mike?" Aria asks. "We can all tell him" I can't bring myself to say the words so I just nod instead. I watch as she gets up and opens the door. She walks to Mike's room and seconds later she appears with him by her side.

"What's up?" Mike says leaning in the doorframe. The three girls all look straight at me. I take a deep breath and stand up.

"It's about Mackenzie"

"Oh, is she okay? She's in the clear right?" He says desperately.

"Not exactly" I sigh.

"She's been taken to the woman's correctional facility" Emily says for me.


"She's in prison Mike" Aria says softly.

"I can't believe this" He stands up straight. "I have to go see her."

"That's the thing" I say slowly.

"She doesn't want you to see her" Hanna blurts.

"What?" He says tilting his head to the side, confused. "Why?"

"She just said that she didn't" I reply softly. "I'm sorry Mike"

"We have to get her out of there"

"We're trying" Emily says.

"Well we can't just sit here and do nothing. We can break her out. Go on the run."

"Mike you aren't thinking straight."

"She's my best friend" He says quietly. "I love her"

"I love her too Mike but acting crazy isn't going to help her. We have to think it through." I respond. "Hey, I brought this with me." I say grabbing my bag. I pull out Kenzie's laptop and place in front of me. "The cops want to search her room and take anything of importance"

"I'll keep it safe. Don't worry." He smiles at me.

"Thank you" I smile back "There's some pretty incriminating stuff on there"

"Like what?"

"Programmes that let her into places she's technically not allowed to be." I shrug. If the police found this laptop then they'd definitely have a reason to lock her up. We can't let that happen.

A has already taken her away from us once.

A won't have her again.

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