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I wake up still in Mike's arms. Something is buzzing non stop and it's driving me crazy. I detach myself from him and follow the noise. Soon enough I reach Mike's phone which he left in his pants by my bed. I look back to Mike who is still fast asleep, obviously unphased by the vibration of the floorboards. I reach inside the front pocket and pull out the device. It's Ella calling. The phone stops ringing, revealing the 9 missed calls from both of Mike's parents.

"Mike" I say softly whilst making my way over to him. He stirs slightly at the sound of my voice. "Mike" I sing.

"What?" He groans, turning over, submerging his face into his pillow.

"Your mom has left you 9 missed calls" I state. He instantly sits up, snatching the phone from my grasp and calling her back.

"Mom? Hi" He says guiltily. "I'm really sorry. I was at Mackenzie's house and I fell asleep. I totally forgot to tell you." He rambles. "Okay. I'll be home in a minute. Bye." He says before hanging up the phone.

"Time for a lecture?" I laugh.

"You could say that" He says getting out of the bed and moving over to his clothes. He pulls them on as fast as humanly possible and pats his pockets to check he has everything. "I have to go" He states.

"Bye" I smile, running a hand through my crazy bed hair.

"Goodbye Mackenzie" He beams, kissing my head yet again before disappearing out of my window. I lean out to watch him as he makes it to ground.

"You can use the front door once in a while you know?" I shout down to him.

"And do the walk of shame? No thanks" He beams up at me before running in the direction of his house.

I shut my window quickly and lock it just to be on the safe side. We all know that A has keys to our houses and we can't really help that without telling our parents everything. Plus, I really don't want to be shipped off to the other side of the world yet again. I check around in my room again. Belongings of mine have been going missing for a while now. On Alison's disappearance, my friendship bracelet (like Ali's but she got it made in different colours because we're 'a different kind of friends' apparently) vanished into thin air. Then, as I was packing up my things for boarding school, my favourite sweater went AWOL. Since I got back, little trinkets from my room have gone too- first was the snow globe I got in Milwauakee, then the locket I got for my 12th birthday, then the picture of Mike and I at the first day of elementary school. Now that I and taking a closer look, my stuffed toy that I worshipped when I was 7- Mr Fluffy the stuffed polar bear (Don't judge me on the name. I was 7.)- has gone too. Maybe I should start taking everything that belongs to me everywhere I go.

"Kenz" I hear Spencer's voice through my door.

"Come in" I call, looking through my closet.

"Have you seen that glass clock that Grandma gave me on my 18th?" She asks me.

"No I haven't" I laugh.

"It's really strange, stuff has been going missing for ages" She says sitting on the end of my bed.

"So it's not just me?" I say turning to her. "I've lost loads of stuff too"

"Aria mentioned something about losing a camera"

"What was on it?"

"Nothing that was that important to her, just some pictures of stuff in her room." Spencer shrugs.

"You know what I think?" I ask, she shakes her head egging me to continue. "This has 'A' written all over it." I watch as Spencer's eyes widen in realisation and then as she pulls out her phone, typing rapidly.

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