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"I've been thinking" Mike says out of the blue the next day.

"Go steady" I laugh as we walk out of the movie theatre in town.

"Funny" He groans, rolling his eyes at my remark. "Anyway, about you wanting to leave Rosewood."

"It was a stupid idea okay? Can we not talk about it?"

"I'm just trying to say that it would look really suspicious if all of a sudden you up and left after you just got out of jail." Mike says as he wraps his arm around my shoulders as a boy glares at me as we pass. I feel myself tense up at his look but I almost immediately relax again at Mike's touch.

"You know what? This makes absolute sense. And it came out of your mouth" I laugh.

"You're so mean to me all the time" He pouts, removing his arm. I shiver at the lost of touch and look up at him.

"It's only because I love you Mike" I smile but he avoids eye contact with me. I stop at a nearby bench and pull him down next to me. "Mikey you know I don't mean to be"

"You have a funny way of showing love" Mike glares at me. I open my mouth to speak. "Don't you dare say it's because you're 'a Hastings' because that's complete bull."

"How am I supposed to show you I love you when you have a girlfriend huh?" I mutter but we both know he heard it.

"You've always known that you could just say the word and I would have been yours"

"How am I supposed to say the word if I don't know what the right words are to say?"

"You're a smart girl. I'm sure you could figure it out."

"Why are we arguing about this?" I groan. "We don't even like each other"

"That's what you think"

"Stop leading me on Mike. Your GIRLFRIEND is missing or have you forgotten that? You can't keep playing with my emotions like this. Don't you think I have enough crap to worry about without this too?" I exclaim. I don't know why I act like this. I bottle all of my emotions up until I reach a point where I can't take it anymore and I explode uncontrollably. I'm so in love with Mike; whatever 'love' means. There's never been anyone that I've cared about more in my entire life. I stand up and storm away from Mike.

"Mackenzie wait!" I hear his voice after me. He grabs my arm and spins me back to face him. "I really like you."


"As soon as Mona comes back then it's over between us."

"She might never come back"

"Then it's over between me and her right now." Mike says, making my heart stop. "Mackenzie. Little parts of me died with every day you were inside and now you're here I don't know how to act around you. I've liked you for ages and to find out that you have never even thought of the idea of us breaks my heart."

"You're such an idiot. Are you blind? I've liked you since before I moved to England but I got back and Mona was in the picture so what was I supposed to do?"

"You should have told me"

"Well now I'm telling you" I smile. Before I know it, Mike is leaning in towards me and I panic. Our lips are just inches apart. He leans in further but I turn my head at the very last second. He kisses my cheek and leans back to look at me puzzled. "I can't do this here" I gesture around us to everyone walking past in the centre of town.

"Let's go back to mine" He smiles.


I sit on Mike's couch waiting for him to bring me a glass of orange juice and one of his speciality cheese and baked bean sandwiches. Sounds weird but it's heavenly. I watch the random black and white silent movie of Aria's on the TV  as he places the food on the coffee table before me. He sits down next to me and shuffles awkwardly closer to me. We haven't spoken since my kiss avoidance. He thought that I was going to come back here and be all over him instantly. I wish I could but I can't. There's bound to be someone watching my every move. I don't know how many minions A has but I don't doubt one of them will be watching now.

I eat my sandwich awkwardly as Mike slurps his drink.

"So about before" I say quietly. Byron is sat at the kitchen table working on some college essay marking or whatever it is he's doing. "I'm sorry I stopped it"

"It's fine." Mike says wiping his mouth.

"I just can't do that to Mona. Yeah she tortured my sister for 2 years but she's still just a girl in love and I can't do that to her."

"I wouldn't say in love"

"In love or not in love. Who cares? You're still dating."

"I said it was over didn't I?" He pouts. He's really becoming one of those 'Rosewood boys' that Aria warned me about.

"You might think that but she sure doesn't"

"Why do you care about her? She tortured Spencer. She hit Hanna with a car for crying out loud"

"I think I'm just going to go because you're seriously annoying me now" I stand up just as my phone beeps. "Let's not talk about this again" I pull out my phone and read the new text.

'Well if it isn't little Mackenzie Hastings- the newest member of the liars. Now Ali's out of the picture there's a space for Queen Bee open. Want it? You know what to do.-A'

My pulse rises but I keep my face blank. I text back quickly. 'I don't want it so but out.' My phone beeps once again.

'Sweet how you think you have an option. You better tell your new kissing buddy everything or I'll tell everyone about your little boarding school rendezvous.-A'

"No" I mutter at my phone screen. So you know when I told you I had no secrets. There's one. A big one.

"Everything alright?" Mike asks. His phone buzzes and he pulls the device out of his pocket. I pounce on him, snatching the phone out of his hands and reading the message. It's not from A. "Are you a psycho or something?" It was Aria telling him that Spencer wants to talk to me. I hand back the cell and climb off of him.

"Sorry. I thought it was someone else"

"A?" He asks, raising his eyebrow. I nod ever so slightly but he still saw it. My phone beeps once more.

'Tick tock Mackenzie. The clock is ticking. Tell him or I show this to the entire world. What would mommy and daddy think of their precious little Kenzie-poo?-A' Attached is a picture I didn't even know was taken. I have a confession to make.

"I h-h-have to tell you something" I stutter. I sit down on the couch next to Mike. "So you know that girl Kristen?"

"The boarding school girl?"

"We made out once." I blurt, not wanting to relive it. The little box of horridness bleeps again.

'Now now Mackenzie. Don't tell lies. Who knows what trouble they could get you into? Kisses, or maybe a little bit more, A.'

"Okay we did more than made out." I say looking to the floor.

"Hold on, you-"

"Don't say it. It wasn't that bad. It didn't go that far." My mind flashes back to that night. How did A even know about it?

"Oh my god." Mike says running a hand through his hair. "I always thought I was going to go that far with you first but I guess not"

"Wait what?" I ask shocked.

"What?" Mike blurts, suddenly completely aware of his last words. "Nothing"

"No- you said-"

"I know what I said. Forget it okay?"

"Fine" I roll my eyes.

"So are you-?"

"No I'm not. I'm into guys." I'm into you. Of course I'm not going to reveal that part just yet. Ha, in your face A, that's one secret you don't know.

"Well I'm sure the male population of rosewood will be glad about that one."

"Can we pretend like I never told you this!" I whisper extremely quietly. Mike nods and pulls me into a hug.

"I'm never go to judge you Mackenzie Hastings. I hope you know that."

A better know it too.

A can't say anything that will turn him against me.

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