twenty five

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My attention drifts away from the movie to the red curtain that it projects onto. I walk towards it, clutching it in my hand. Something comes over me, making me pull the curtain off the track. Spencer stands next to me as we stare face to face with A. A stands behind a glass wall, allowing us to see all the computer systems. Each screen is split into 4 showing a live feed from each room. The generator is back on. Three chimes sound. We have to get back to our rooms. Spencer grabs my wrist, making me unable to move. My eyes wander over the screens. The first one shows Hanna's, Aria's, Spencer's and Emily's empty bedroom replicas. I look at the next screen. Mona's room stands empty, my own room stands empty and the torture room stands empty. In the bottom left screen a girl with extremely long blonde hair sits on her concrete bed, her eyes to the floor. Suddenly, a piercing bell sounds through the entire building. I pull my eyes away from the girl and turn to Spencer. She's holding the old video projector by the wheel. The tape below is burning and soon bursts into flames. Spencer jumps back as I turn my attention to the screens again. The third screen shows the outside perimeters of the building. Alison appears outside the front gates. What the heck is she doing here? A maintains eye contact with the girls but they suddenly turns to the computer. A has to make a decision. Ali or their past life.

"Kenzie we have to go" Emily says gripping my shoulder.

"Look" I signal the the third screen. Mona lies in a hole dug in the ground in a room I've definitely seen before.

"The pit. That's where she's been this whole time." Emily says in shock.

"What the hell is Ali doing here?" Aria says also looking at the screen. The fire starts to spread to the curtain draped on the floor. Spencer leans down and spreads out the unburnt parts of the curtain onto more of the room. The rest of the room quickly starts to catch.

"We really have to go" Spencer shouts over the alarms. Emily and Aria sprint out of the room following Hanna who's already left to find Mona. I stay glued on the spot. "Mackenzie. Move!" Spencer calls from the doorway. I snap out of my frozen state and run towards the door.

By the time I get to the door Spencer has disappeared. I run in the direction of where the map in my head says Mona should be. My scars start to ache as I mentally recall the 35 slashings I've endured- 7 for each girl. Looks like everyone had the same idea; choose the girl that doesn't feel pain. I don't blame them, I would have done it too.

As I run down a darkened hall, a large, very old pipe sticks out into the walking space. I should have seen it before but instead I run straight into it. It pierces the skin above my pelvic bone. I wince in pain as I try to move away.

"Mackenzie come on" I hear Spencer call down the corridor.

"Spencer help me" I shout as loud as I can. "I can't move"

"I'm coming!" She calls and seconds later she appears in front of me. The flashlight still shining bright. "What the-" She gasps. "This wasn't here when I came past"

"I don't know what happened. It just appeared and now I'm stuck." I say a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Spencer where are you?" We hear Aria's voice. "We found Mona"

"Come help me. Mackenzie is stuck." She shouts. They come running and eventually we manage to break the pole from the wall. I carry the pole as I struggle to walk in the direction the girls lead me. Spencer helps me trudge down the corridor. I can feel the heat of the fire behind me. We have to get out of here before we all get burnt to a crisp.

We reach a dead end as the girls start to pound on the metal door. They push and pull for a good five minutes before the whole thing opens.

"Hanna!" I hear Caleb's voice. The light blinds me but I think I can just about make out Ezra and Caleb before me.

"Ali?" I hear Emily's voice.

"Rosewood PD freeze" I hear Holbrook's voice. My vision clears as I see Emily in Ali's arms, Spencer kissing Toby, Ezra embracing Aria and Hanna making out with Caleb. Mona is wrapped in a foil blanket as smoke bellows out of the door.

"There's someone else in there" I mutter. No one hears. My voice barely comes out. I can feel the energy pouring out of me.

"Kenz" I hear Toby's voice.

"There's someone else in there" Is all I manage to say before I pass out in Toby's arms.

A's trap can't hold us anymore.

A's lost it's dolls.

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