twenty three

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Mike's POV

I haven't heard from her in weeks. I don't even know how long it's been. I know we had an argument but we've always made up hours later. Plus, what I said wasn't even that bad- I've said worser things in my time. In fact, if she were here now she'd probably tell me that worser isn't a proper word anymore. I have to make up with her. I have to.

I pull up in the Hasting's driveway after being buzzed through the new security gates installed just last week. I drive past here everyday on my way to lacrosse but I haven't seen any sign of movement from her bedroom window. I slowly make my way to the front door which opens revealing Mrs Hasting's. She smiles and let's me in quickly, returning to the living room.

"What do you mean you don't know where she is?" Mr Hasting's exclaims as he sits in jogging bottoms and a white t-shirt. I've never seen Peter dressed this informally in my lie. I'm only actually allowed to call him Peter in my head, and I'm sure he'd frown upon that too.

"What's going on?" I whisper to Melissa who sits at the island counter, watching the conversation take place.

"They're breaking the news to mom and dad that they have absolutely no idea where Spencer, your sister, Hanna and Emily are." She explains. I should explain. The four girls have been missing ever since they were scheduled to be moved to a different prison, about a month ago. I know they didn't do this- 1 because it has A written all over it and 2 because Ali threw them all under the bus to save her own skin. Literally. I heard she's being burnt by other inmates. My parents, of course, are going crazy with worry. Ella is making herself physically ill staying up all night, waiting for the phone to ring.
"They thought that they'd escaped custody but they can't survive on absolutely nothing but an orange jumpsuit."

"Yeah. Hey, have you seen Mackenzie around?" I say changing the subject to why I'm really here. I can't think about this anymore without involuntarily breaking down on the spot. My sister is missing; disappeared off the face of the earth without a trace. Can you blame me for wanting to take my mind off of it?

I watch as Melissa's face turns to complete horror. "I thought she was with you." She stands up instantly, scraping her chair against the floor. "Mom, Dad. We have an emergency"

"Not now Melissa. Spencer is missing." Mrs Hastings quietens her.

"Mom, Mackenzie isn't with Mike." She says with grabs both parents and the cop in front of me's attention.

"I haven't seen her in a month" I tell them.

"Well where is she?" Mr Hasting's exclaims.

"I have no idea"

Mackenzie's POV

So today turned out to be Emily's turn in the seat of stabbing which I've aptly named it. It seems she didn't want to face the consequences that A's cryptic clues. How do I know that? Because I now have 14 poorly sewn up wounds.

A's monotonous message told me that I'll be seeing someone very close to me very soon which I can only assume is Spencer. I don't want her to see me like this- the pain has gone once again but I'm still mentally and physically scarred. I can't let her see me like this.

The all-too familiar beep of the unlocking door sounds through my room once again. I trudge through the blood stained carpets towards the cold metal door. I hope A has more of those $50 hardware store gift cards like they sent Emily- judging by the mess I've made, A's going to need it.

I follow the pattern of light down a corridor I've never ventured onto before. A few seconds later I appear in a recreational styled room with pale blue walls and a load of board games piled up on the table before me. A blonde girl sits with her back to me. She wears the same outfit that Ali had on the night of her disappearance. I step cautiously forwards. I'm about to reach out to the girl who looks a lot like Alison from behind when I hear voices behind me.

"What this bitch want from us now?" Only one person would use that choice of wording.

"Hanna." I hear Spencer's croaky voice, indicating that like me, she hasn't had a peaceful night's sleep in months. "A will hear you." She sounds scared, broken. The footsteps get closer until they all stop directly behind me. My fresh outfit from A hides any kind of injuries. The girls are all still in their orange jumpsuits.

Hanna walks past me, grabbing the girl before me. The girl turns around quickly making everyone gasp. She wears a mask that is an exact replica of the girl I grew up admiring- Alison DiLaurentis. It can't be. The girl removes the mask slowly, revealing a very familiar face, making us all gasp again. Spencer grabs my arm as I try not to wince in pain from the fact that her finger has broken one of my poor stitches.

"Mona?" Hanna exclaims, still clutching the small wrist in her frail hands.

"I know it's be a while, but I haven't changed that much have I?" Mona says in a weirdly Ali-like voice. We all give her a puzzled look. "You guys, it's me, Alison."

"What?" Emily and I gasp at the same time.

"Oh Mackenzie!" Mona exclaims. "You're bleeding." 'Alison' points out. I look down at my arm where Spencer's hand previously was.

"It's nothing" I shrug it off. Spencer looks at me skeptically. "I probably scraped it on something on my way here" I lie.

The bell dings four times. Mona takes a seat at the table and starts to set up a board game.

"Four chimes means we play." She states.

"I don't want to play one of A's stupid games" Hanna says sternly, crossing her arms over her chest in rebellion.

"I'm with Hanna" Aria agrees. "I'm not being one of A's dolls anymore." She says as I notice the pink streaks in her short hair have appeared once again. I don't ask about it.

"You have to play." Mona says looking at the camera in the corner of the room.

"She's right you guys" I say, slowly sitting down opposite the girl who's supposed to be missing. I suppose we're all 'missing' now. I wonder if anyone's realised I've disappeared. "We should do what A says" I definitely know what A is capable of.

"Since when did you do what anyone tells you?" Spencer exclaims.

"I just think we should. We don't know what A is capable of."

"Well A can stick his games where the sun doesn't shine." Hanna says, still rebelling against what A wants. She's going to get herself hurt. I can't bear to see her go through what I've endured. Hasn't she learnt anything over the last few years?

A has no boundaries.

A will kill if they have to.

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