thirty four

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"You're not being serious when you say I shouldn't be a part of this are you?" I ask Mike a few hours into being locked away.

"Spencer was right. You start school tomorrow, you need some relaxation"

"Well nothing going on in my life is very relaxing right now." I tell him, he looks upset but I don't have the energy to ask what's wrong. "What am I supposed to do? Go stationary shopping? Buy a new outfit for the first day of school?"

"If that's what you want then that's what we'll do." He shrugs, sitting next to me on my bed. He'd previously been stood up against the locked door, probably in case I tried to fight my way out.

"I can't tell if you're joking or not."

"Or we could make out a little" He smirks.

"Mike, no."

"What? I was just trying to lighten the mood. Everyone else gets to have love during this, why can't you?"

"Because everyone had love before this."

"No they didn't. The girls found love because of this. Like it or not A has done one good thing."

"So Spencer shacking up with the town psychopath and Hanna jumping into bed with the homeless kid, Emily dating the girl who tried to drown her and Aria breaking the law with her high school English teacher is a good thing?"

"You're telling me that when you look at those four people you see a psychopath, a homeless kid, an attempted murderer and a paedophillic teacher? You don't see the love and support that Toby, Caleb, Paige and Ezra have given you? You ignore the compassion and care they've shown you despite the fact you're just Spencer's little sister?"

"Is that how you see me? Just how everyone else does? Spencer's little sister who got shipped off to the other side of the world because her family didn't want her?"

"You know I don't see you like that. But that's how it is. You know, you're not the only one who feels like that. I'm just Aria's little brother to this town. I'm the one who was kept out of the loop when his family was being torn apart. The one who didn't even realise it. The one who went crazy and broke into people's houses when they couldn't defend themselves. I'm the one who had no one."

"You had Mona."

"You think my family supported that? The girl who made my sisters life a living hell? The girl who ripped my family to shreds?"

"That was a choice you made Mike. You could have waited. You could have had me. All you had to do was say the word and I'd be yours. England or no England, you've always known that."

"Maybe I didn't want you Mackenzie. Did you ever think of that?"

"Fine. You didn't want me then, you don't get me now." I stand and reach for the door. I expect Mike to pull me back but the springs from my bed don't move. I breathe out before unlocking the door and slamming it behind me.


"Did you know that Mr and Mrs Farrington have a CCTV camera on their garage?" I tell Spencer that evening as we stand in the kitchen. She's preparing some kind of pasta dish whilst I sit on my laptop pretending to online shop whilst actually trying to think of a logical plan.

"Yes Kenz. We figured that out pretty quick. We even asked them if we could look at the footage. There's nothing there."

"What do you mean there's nothing?"

"It's as if the hour before the fire has been completely wiped."

"Did you get Caleb to look at it?"

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